Characters: Suki and Ron Weasley
When: Evening, 11.1
Where: Ron's fixer-upper
Rating: PG
Summary: Two broken hearts bonding.
The fog was finally gone, and Suki just talked to Sokka. Basically, she wasn't feeling too great. She needed to get her mind off the conversation, and then she remembered her time with Ron. Working on that place would be a great way to spend her time. It helped get her mind off of everything, but one thing was still lingering there, in the back of her mind. Those last words Sokka sent her:
I love you.
Those words, words of love, felt so painful. She need a release. Luckily, Ron had this place, and already offered to give her a floor, and she was going to take him up on that offer. Though he didn't know she was there right now. But hopefully he didn't mind, because right now, she really needed this.