Characters: Vriska Serket AND YOU
When: 10/11/11, afternoon
Where: Northeast Quarter, residential area
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for Vriska's inevitable language
Summary: Vriska is sitting in a tree, dropping apples on people's heads. Yeah.
Anyone who happens to be walking around the residential area of the Northeast Quarter this fine and sunny afternoon just may find themselves bopped on the head by a falling apple. In this case, this isn't just any falling apple-- it's an apple thrown or dropped by one Vriska Serket (known to many only as "Marquise Spinneret Mindfang"), who's perched about fifteen feet up one of the trees. What do?
(People that she likes or gets along with aren't exempt from this, of course-- this is a hilarious joke; why would she leave them out of the fun?)