Characters: Renji, Kenpachi, Yachiru
When: Right after Kenpachi has gotten to the city from the Wastelands.
Where: Somewhere in the city
Rating: PG? Maybe higher for language at some point.
Summary: Renji goes to escort his former captain and vice-captain into the city.
Renji began to move towards Zaraki-taichou's reiatsu. It was taking him longer than usual to travel; the last time he used shunpou, he crashed due to his exhaustion and distraction, taking out a building. He'd rather avoid that happening again anytime soon.
It wasn't that far, though, and it's not like he minded. He still held a lot of respect for his former captain, and besides--the errand kept his mind from being completely focused on Rukia the way it had been ever since she'd gone missing.
By the reiatsu, he expected him to come into sight any minute now.