Characters: Merlin (
lastdragonlord ) and James Potter (
chaserprongs )
When: Sunday, twilight
Where: The wastes
Rating: Pg
Summary: Sooner or later, everything about these boy's friendship comes down to flying.
By all rights, Merlin shouldn't have been wandering around like this when he was still so weak from the poison, but he'd never been particularly fond of nap time as a child, and he couldn't bring himself to sink into the well needed sleep that Killgarah had so insisted that he needed when James was struggling with the inevitablity of his and his wife's death. And he wanted so very badly to share with James the joy and abandon that came from flying through the air on the back of a dragon. All he had to do was find one that would be amiable to it.
It didn't take him long.
The title of a dragonlord might mean very little to most of the dragons here, but his knowledge of their tongue, and Bran, keeping doggedly to his heels, bought him the smallest respect; he let his wide smile and easy nature win the rest of it. A dragonsflight wouldn't fix James' problems, of course not, nothing could really, except a bargain with the old religion that he wasn't really willing to make a second time, but at least there was the hope that it could distract him from it. If only for a little while.
And so Merlin waited for James to arrive.