Characters: Tieria Erde, OPEN
When: Near the start of the event
Where: By the new landmark that's popped up near the lake
Rating: PG-13 to be safe? I dunno...
Summary: Tieria's curious. He's standing near the elevator, debating if he wants to try it or not. Who will walk past him? Who will come out while he's there?
My cat ate my witty text. )
Comments 102
"Record this data, Haro." He said to the robot before the elevator doors opened.
"Will do, Innovator! Will do, Innovator!" Haro replied, ears flapping as the doors opened.
It only took a few seconds for Innovator to spot Aurora, and a smile crept onto his lips. "We are in the presence of each other once again." He stepped closer to the other, but kept some distance. Who knew what this version of Aurora knew.
"We are," he said simply. Tieria's darker side was tempted to push just a little... No love lost if Ribbons got sick...
"I suppose you are the person I am looking for, but your name is different." He was polite at all times, keeping his demeanor and voice all but formal. "What should I address you as?"
"I am-"
"Tieria! Tieria!" Haro had the most inconvenient timing sometimes. "Big brother! Big brother!" The orange ball bounced and flapped, approaching the purple one. Tieria honestly wasn't surprised Ribbons that that particular Haro... not after what he'd learned from Veda once he had regained access.
"Allelujah! Allelujah!" Tieria grabbed Haro.
"No!" he said quickly. "Be quiet, Haro!" If it was true, if these people really got sick and died from regaining their memories, Tieria couldn't let that happen. He couldn't do that to a comrade... to a friend.
...No, of course this wasn't Lithium. He had been told there were duplicates that still had their memories here. He paused, lingering for a moment as though deciding whether to advance or not. They had warned that the signs were ill feelings, flickering sense... and he was right by the elevator.
"...I'm sorry," He spoke carefully, glancing back up to Tieria. "I mistook you for someone. I do believe you're... similar, though." Related? The same person? Not even the same person in the way it seemed that he and Alive were.. perhaps he was thinking about it too much. This was the same man as Lithium, but in another situation and with his memories. That was the easiest way to consider it.
"You're from here, correct?"
"Many of us here are not originally from here. This is a compression. We were pulled from our own worlds into this one." He frowned a little. "Much like you were, I suppose." He looked back at the elevator for a moment. "It's interesting how this has happened. I don't really understand it." He looked at Allelujah again, trying to discern any sort of familiarity. He was a little disheartened, however, when he reminded himself that any recognition the other might display would be for someone who was, but wasn't him.
"Is there... this 'Lithium'... is he up there now?"
That's what he had thought, at least. Gene had even gone as far as teaming up with someone he knew wasn't from his home so that one could drag the other home if things went south: a maintenance worker who went by the name of Robin. He seemed like a decent enough guy, the type who would be good in a fight... but it turned out he had one weakness. One ridiculous weakness. The man was deathly afraid of rabbits, of all things. Once they had come across one of the ones with shark-like teeth, it was all over. Robin was off like a man possessed, leaving Gene alone ( ... )
Haro flapped slowly, holding his ear flaps up for a moment. Tieria had told the robot to keep quiet when he recognized someone so not to risk potentially hurting them. Tieria heard the voice... he knew it well. Looking back over his shoulder, he recognized the names Lyle used. Ribbons had called him by one... Allelujah by the other. He turned to face him.
Having seen Neil only months ago, it was hard not to make the association, but Tieria had always been able to tell the difference between them. There was a small burr in Lyle's voice from the smoking that Neil didn't have... slight differences in their appearance, like how Lyle's hair was a bit smoother and shorter... things that probably only Tieria would notice because of what he was.
"I don't go by those names here," he said. He debated if he should tell Lyle his name. It hadn't hurt Ribbons. Would it hurt Lyle?
He cocked his head as the little robot stirred, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. He had heard a bit about the one or two Haros that were in the Sphere, but had only had contact with one in his two memories. Judging by the colour... this could be that Haro. He felt a sense of familiarity towards the little bot, regardless.
He took a moment to gauge Tieria's reaction. No overt hostility, which was nice, and no outbursts of surprise recognition, which was safe. He seemed to be sizing him up.
"I had a feeling you wouldn't." His demeanor was wary and guarded, but a touch of wry humour bled into his voice at the next question. "Got something I can call you, then? Preferably something that won't do me in, since information from home seems to be a bit of a dangerous commodity here."
"My name hasn't hurt others I've recognized," he offered. "If you're willing to hear it..." He'd leave the decision to him.
Does it matter if I'm late? People would survive if it took a little longer for their clothes to be cleaned. They wouldn't suffer. The weather had become quite warm and humid as well--which was familiar, but made the laundry room less comfortable. And... did she want to explore this place? The thought of meeting another her was--strange. Not wholly unfamiliar. Did that mean she had encountered that kind of situation in her previous life? Or perhaps she would see one of the individuals that had been in her dream. The boy who had told her not to say goodbye, the angry girl whose body she had shared. The black-haired woman and the blonde woman with resentment in her eyes. If they were here, did she... want to meet them? Did the risk to herself matter? The bonds had ( ... )
The girl looked odd... her pale blue hair, fair skin, and reddish eyes giving her the appearance of one of his own kind. For a moment, he did stare. In fact, she sort of resembled someone he had seen records on inside Veda just after... only, this girl was older physically. She wasn't quite as old as he was in appearance, but perhaps between them. His curiosity was now piqued.
Perhaps there was still another section of Veda he had not seen? He wasn't sure. It wouldn't be the first time he didn't have access to everything.
Should she say something? If he had recognized her, he probably would have said something. Or perhaps he wouldn't. She didn't known his personality well enough to predict how he would respond in this situation. 00 took a hesitant step forward.
Then she looked down at the Haro. She had been speaking to her own Haro, even though it was not fully repaired yet, and she often spoke to Innovator's purple Haro as well. "Are you Haro?" she asked, her voice only just loud enough to be heard.
"Haro! Haro!" the robot responded. Tieria blinked, a little confused.
"You know of Haros?" he asked.
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