Characters: Spike Spiegel (
realfolkinblue and Edward Wong Hau Pepelew Tivrusky IV (
When: Shortly after Ed arrives.
Where: At Spike & Aya's.
Rating: She's just a kid, so he'll keep it PG.
Summary: Ed tracks down Spike through her PCD.
When Spike had asked Ed over the PCD if she had a place to stay, he had a sinking feeling she'd come and find him. Things had been so quiet without the hacker around. Although, he couldn't quite bring himself to regret extending the invitation. Yeah, he hated kids. Or so he said. The kids around here never seemed to be as obnoxious as the ones he'd encountered back home. That was a bit of a plus. As was the fact that he didn't need to see any of them that often, or even at all. With Ed around, Spike could just kiss that goodbye.
He wasn't sure whether Ed happened to have Ein with her or not, either. He hated animals. But he tolerated them. Maybe even had a soft spot for them. After all, Aya had a pet. It wasn't a dog, but considering he didn't know what the hell a dragonhawk was, Spike wasn't quite sure what to make of Akako. He hoped Ein wouldn't try to eat her.
He sat in his room with nothing better to do than smoke and read, and he made peace with the fact that Ed was coming. He didn't know when exactly, and he wasn't quite sure how, but he knew that he was kinda looking forward to it.