Characters: Roy Mustang
general_mustang, Riza Hawkeye,
arrayed_back, Squall 'Leon' Leonhart
kingdoms_aceWhen: Backdated to 25th December
Where: The House of Love and Pictures
Rating: PG
Summary: Leon has bought Riza and Roy some presents, they don't want Leon to leave empty handed, so Roy suggests the guy stays, for a drink or two - or five.
He'd sent Leon the message that they were ready a few moments ago, and immediately wandered into the kitchen. He knew he had some wine somewhere, not White Zinfandel, unfortuantely for Riza but what they had would do. Of course it would. He got down three wine glasses he'd transmuted when he first realised they had none, giving each one a thorough look-over to check they were clean. Leon might not even drink wine, that had definately occured to him - but he had thing in reserve.
Feeling about able to welcome Leon he settled down into a chair in the kitchen, elbows on the table, hands clasped together and chin resting on his outstretched thumbs. Riza had said she wouldn't be too much longer. He just hoped he'd given her enough time. He may have been looking forward to seeing Leon, and spending time with him and Riza, but there, lingering in the back of his mind was their encounter with Alucard. He'd vowed to ask around, and he knew Leon had been there at the time of Havoc's rescue. It was just how to approach the subject.