Characters: Unohana Retsu (
bunny_flower, Kamui Shirou (
kamui_heaven), Roy Mustang (
whenimfuhrer), Ansem (
wiser_fool), Kage (
mech_logic). [Natsuki Kruger (
silber_wolf) and Shizuru Viola (
bewitchingtea) can join in at any time if they're available.]
When: Technically, shortly before Mello's death, but after discussing some details with Ginia. Also probably before Renji arrives at the Clinic.
Where: The Clinic.
Rating:I'm thinking G, because everyone will be very courteous and polite, won't they ? *stern look*
Summary:Unohana's having a dinner party. Kamui's cooking.
Note: Posting order is left to you inside the varous threads. Feel free to wander off into a conversation with someone.
Unohana had pushed the kitchen table out of the way and made room for what had initially been two small coffee tables. The kitchen table was too small for all of them anyway, and Unohana was not fond of sitting on chairs while eating. She had made the rounds of the unoccupied rooms to find cushions for people to kneel on.
Kamui-san was cooking, and it was starting to smell good.
Unohana surveyed the table with a satisfied look. At least she had enough tables and chopsticks for everyone, and there was cutlery available just in case.