Characters: Cassidy Sharp
hapless_medic, OPEN
When: August 27
Where: Around the Safezone
Rating: PG(may go up)
Summary: Cassidy is feeling a bit restless so she goes walking to get some fresh air.
Cassidy wasn't quite sure what she expected to find or do while she was out, but she really needed some time outside. She hadn't exactly been sleeping well since she had arrived in this strange world, partly due to nightmares, and partly due to a newfound alertness that she didn'tused to have.
So she found herself wandering the streets and occasionally poking around some of the shops that caught her interest. one actually found her leaving with a canvas bag, something she found very useful. Other than that though, the day was turning out to be uneventful. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, fingers lightly brushing the bases of her canine ears. Now that she was stuck in this place and unable to go home even if she got out of here, she really needed to decide what to do with herself.