Characters: Cassidy Sharp
hapless_medic, Asch the Bloody
alizarin_asch, Ki'nam Pietra
earth_tyrantWhen: A few days after the stormy event.
Where: Cassidy's house
Rating: PG
Summary: Asch takes Cassidy up on her invite to have tea with her.
Cassidy bustled around, making sure the already clean house was in order. Asch had informed her early that he was going to take her up on the tea finally so she wanted the place presentable for guests...which it often was.
Cassidy couldn't explain it, but despite the way Asch tended to act, which seemed reluctant to be near or accept offers from others, she was fond of him. She simply chalked it up it up to the affection she had gained for his younger self and the kindness he'd shown shortly after.
Ki'nam didn't seem to be home and she spared a thought to the whereabouts of him, but waved it off since he'd come back when he was ready.