Characters: Roy Mustang
general_mustang and Kusajishi Yachiru
pinkdeathgodWhen: Just after the morning of the first day of the bodyswap curse.
Where: The Wastelands~
Rating: PG
Summary: Even though Yachiru knows that Kenpachi isn't exactly who he looks like, she's still adamant that she tags along with him. So, Poor Roy is left with his own little bundle of cuteness... ¬_¬
It was difficult enough that he had to be in someone elses body, the fact that he had a little tag along from now until the curse ended was another thing. He didn't even know the kid, and she expected... children always expected though, didn't they? Except Elysia she...
His train of thought promptly stopped, and he sighed openly. No, if he was going to have to entertain this kid for Kenpachi, then that was exactly what he would do. Besides, he'd only just mentioned that there was nothing to do about the place, so at least he'd be preoccupied, and whilst his was in a only slightly-fitter body than his own he might as well make use of it. The only problem was he wasn't actually sure who he was on the lookout for, which wasn't such a big problem, he presumed. Ya-Yachiru? knew what he looked like.