Characters: Genjyo Sanzo, Hazel Grouse
When: Last night
Where: Sanzo-Ikkou's house, Sanzo's room
Rating: R (This is Sanzo people)
Summary: Sanzo lays down the ground rules for his new roomie.
Sanzo was sitting in his room, an empty pack of cigarettes next to him on the floor and a rather full ashtray on his other side. He pulled the cigarette from between his lips and let out a stream of smoke. The priest sighed and stood up. He wasn't in his priest robes, it was very rare for him to wear them in this place.
Dusting the various ash pieces off of him, he walked over to the window and looked out at it. A small smirk crossed his lips as he watched the cow Goku had wrangled for them in its pasture. He shook his head and went to find another pack of cigarettes. He knew he had a whole bunch of them around here somewhere.