Characters: Ginia Solana (
silentbartender), Hazel Grouse (
sanzo_fanboy), open to all members of the Saiyukiyaki household
When: Afternoon of the 28th
Where: The Saiyukiyaki house
Rating: PG-13 (Sanzo, passive-aggressive bitchery)
Summary: Hazel moves in with the Saiyukiyaki household. Unfortunately for him, the majority of the household doesn't like him.
Ginia cleaned the living room with a vengeance, furiously dusting off the tables and chairs and removing cobwebs from the deepest corners and pulling pet hair off the couch. While her cleaning was highly productive, she deeply annoyed and took out her anger on the dustbunnies. She was highly against Hazel moving in with them, largely due to the fact he'd already made it clear he disliked most of the household and had attacked three of them but because his views largely clashed. No, she had never been the most religious of people even if she had a loose Catholic background, but anyone who would ever kill a child for simply being a youkai was unforgiveable to her. Even if him living with them meant they could keep an eye on him and take any immediate action if needed, even if he was on a trial period and could be easily kicked out, the mere notion he would be living in their home severly ticked her off.
But there was nothing else that could be done and if he was going to live with them, then he'd certainly arrive to a clean house. Ginia set the featherduster aside and looked around the living room, satisfied with her work before she stalked off to find a cigarette and lighter.