Characters: Franziska von Karma , OPEN
When: April 19th, morningish
Where: Safezone
Rating: PG (maybe PG-13)
Summary: Franziska has found a building that will suit her needs the only problem though is a caved in roof. She'll called out for assistance and waits for those who agreed to assist her to arrive.
Franziska sat on a large piece of rubble as she waited for the two men who had agreed to help her fix her roof. It wasn't much but she knew that she wouldn't be able to do it herself. She was a prodigy in the court room but...she didn't know anything about construction. So doing this task herself was out of the question. Franziska had been able to borrow a few tools that were at the clinic so the only thing needed was the manual labor...which a von Karma never did.
She just hoped that the fools that she had asked assistance of were able to fix the roof and not make it worse than it already is.
Franziska fiddled with her whip as she waited patiently for the others to arrive.