Characters: Yuuki Juudai, open!
When: Dreamscape event
Rating: PG, I guess?
Summary: U-Uh, welcome to the inside of Haou's head. Refreshments are on the left, and please feel free to bother the crap out of the wretched boy in the middle of the room. Also beware of spectacularly pathetic emo-angst. ♥
He knelt there for endless time, unable even to imagine why... )
"I... I won the duel at the price of everything else... and I can't fix it. even with this power, I...! I just can't fix it! I'm so, so sorry... Asuka, Fubuki, Kenzan... Manjyome... Johan...! I couldn't...!"
His hands, his body shook like a pale fish that had never seen the light of day before. His blazer may have been confidently red, but the rest of him seemed to be in emotional tatters, and what he wore was the last trace of what he had formerly been what seemed like ages ago. At minimum, at least a month or two ago... maybe longer.
He was so absorbed in his own ceaseless melancholy that he didn't -- or possibly couldn't -- acknowledge anything else around him. Nothing ever changed worth breaking him out of his cycle of self-ruin, anyway.
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