Dreamscape: Shirou Kamui

Apr 05, 2009 13:39

Characters: Shirou Kamui (
kamui_heaven ), OPEN
When: Dreamscape Event
Where: Shirou Kamui's mind
Rating: Anything up to R - Blood, Death, Angst, Ect.
Summary: Dragons, Clocks, and fate. It's a hard life.

It starts with water, an endless floor expanding in every direction. With movement ripples start to expand across the surface, rising and falling as the rings expand. There seems to be no end to this scene, it’s difficult to even pinpoint whether you’ve moved or merely turned on the spot you arrived on. It’s a calming yet disorientating scene to be in the middle of.

Slowly the soft sound of clocks can be heard in the background, the ticking sound gradually growing in volume. The water seems to start moving on its own, ripples start appearing from nothingness across the surface. Larger ripples than a person could ever create.

There’s a rumble under the water, shaking the whole scene. The ticking from the clock continues, louder than ever, before it’s abruptly shattered by the roar of the creatures emerging suddenly from the water.


[ooc; Brief description can be found here. Memories for practically all of the series. Minimal happy memories being outweighed by the angst.]

*event: dreamscape, *open, shirou kamui, londo mollari, jotaro kujo, *event, kanzeon

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