Characters: Pyramid Head & OPEN
When: Whenever the characters dictate, after 11PM each night at the earliest
Where: In the Safezone
Rating: PG-13 at least for violence, maybe R
Summary: Various people run into PH
(( OOC; OKAY! So, this is how it's going to work...Pyramid Head is running around doing his killing thing. This is the post where your charas can finally meet him face to face! Or face to helmet, as it would be. Feel free to reply whenever you want. Just somethings to keep in mind...
- Each comment on this initial post will be considered a separate "thread", meaning we can have tons of different instances going on in the same post.
- More than one chara can meet up with PH, just indicate it initially in your first comment. Please continue on THAT comment strand, though, so things don't get mixed up!
- At the start of each comment, in the subject line put a list of what charas are going to participate in the thread, and when you want this to be happening. EX: Gin, Kaname, and Bob (April 16th, midnight). Make sense? Good!
- As PH I will give you time to react accordingly, so what damage your chara takes and whatnot will be up to you. IM me if you have any questions or want to work out something specific :3 (AIM: Local Lucky Cat)
Alrighty, let's have some fun!