Characters: L Lawliet
watashi_wa_eru and Light Yagami
Night_God_MoonWhen: After settling Matsuda in their "home"
Where: *laughs* Home?
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Summary: L prepares to meet Mello
After months of observation literally chained to the other man, L had memorized every nuance of Light Yagami's behavior. The long, jaw-cracking yawn he just exhibited meant one of two things; either Light was tired or he was tired of him. Not that L would blame him if he was; sometimes L grew tired of himself and certainly of Light.
If only, if only that was enough to quash the curiosity, the intrigue, the helpless ache in his gut when they spoke, pitting their wits against the other.
It was now or never with Matsuda slumbering in one of the bedrooms, the proof of which rumbled through the halls. He stifled a smile, having been unaware until just a few minutes previous that the investigator snored.
Returning his attention to Light, L smothered the ambivalence within, eyes widened in fascination, hooked forever by the mind behind the deceptively innocent face, the face of a killer, a mind, perhaps, too similar to his own.
Didn't they make a companionable picture sitting together on the couch, side-by-side? L thought so, but then again, he had nothing with which to compare the experience to. He supposed they did, and gripping the back of the couch he leaned forward into Light's face, amused to see the other man's hasty retreat.
"Light-kun, you believe, as I do, in an-eye-for-an-eye."