Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:44:56 UTC
When he regains his senses, Sora has become a Heartless himself. Strange thing is he remembers who he used to be, what his purpose was. So he follows his friends Goofy, Donald, and Kairi. It is only when Kairi realizes that the Heartless following them is Sora and risks her life to defend him that Sora regains his heart. They defeat the Heartless and return to Traverse Town once more. While there he explains that Ansem used the Princesses hearts to unlock a door to darkness. Despite his uncertainty about what will happen once he seals the Keyhole that Ansem made, Sora returns to Hollow Bastion to seal it off and save Riku. He says good bye to the friends he made in Traverse Town, the friends he would likely never see again, and seals the Keyhole.
Sora, along with Donald and Goofy, travel to The End of the World, which ends up being what is left of Destiny Island because of Ansem's corruption. Together they fight Ansem on Destiny Islands, but it does not defeat him. Sora continues to find him again and gets separated from Donald and Goofy. After defeating Darkside and Ansem once more, he retrieves his friends, all while chipping away at Ansem's final form only to see him successfully open the Door to Darkness. Only problem with that is it wasn't darkness that waited for Ansem, but light. He deteriorated and Sora moved to close the door. Only he wasn't strong enough to close it. However, Riku and the King were on the inside. Riku helped to pull the door closed and Mickey (the King) helped to seal it from the other side. Sora returns to Kairi and instead of returning home with her he promises that he'll come home with Riku. And so his journey continues.
While walking along a path with Donald and Goofy, who are also still looking for King Mickey, they stumble across Pluto who holds a letter for them. They chase the dog and continue their travels. One night, Sora meets a strange cloaked man on the road. It was that man that encouraged Sora to continue on to the castle at the end of the road, Castle Oblivion.
Sora and Co. go inside the castle and run in to the same man that Sora met on the road. Donald assumes he is a Heartless and attempts to use magic on him to get rid of him. However the group learns that they have forgotten all of their abilities that they had learned during their last adventure. The man offers them the cryptic sentence, "To find is to lose and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion." He samples Sora's memories and hands him a card, which becomes his main way to travel between "worlds" via a powerful door on the other end of the entrance hall.
Like his previous adventure, his first stop is Traverse Town. Only this time no one remembers who Sora is, yet they seem to remember his name. It is here where Sora and Co. start to realize that their memories are at stake in this mysterious Castle Oblivion. He returns to find the same cloaked man once more. Only this time they are interrupted by a man wearing the same black coat that goes by the name of Axel. Unlike the first man he met, this one doesn't conceal his identity. They battle and Sora is rewarded with another card. Turns out Axel isn't gone. He gives Sora a speech about remembering what is most important to him. Sora refuses Axel's help and continues on his journey. In between floors Sora visits the town on the cards he received.
On each subsequent floor the three of them explore more of their memories together, gradually forgetting more and more details about the things that they had experienced in their lives. Despite this fact, they explore their memories with one another. Once they get to the third floor they come to the realization that they are, in fact, losing their memories. But they find resolution in the fact that they will never forget the people they really care about because those memories are in their hearts.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:45:34 UTC
After a little while, Sora starts remembering this new girl as well as Kairi. Slowly, as their adventure progresses, Sora remembers more and more about this girl. The memories slowly become more and more real to him, only to be solidified by a woman in the same coat by the name of Larxene. She eggs him into remembering this girl. She threatens to destroy the token that the girl, Namine, gave to him. Except the trinket is a changed version of the one that Kairi gave him, but he doesn't remember that. He fights Larxene, gets a card from her, and she disappears.
Once he remembers all about Namine, Sora moves forward with a new sort of vigor in order to go and save his "friend". It is here when he runs in to Riku for the first time. What he doesn't know is that it isn't Riku, it's a Riku replica. This Riku goads him on about how terrible he is for forgetting about him and forgetting about Namine. Then they start fighting and Riku says some really hurtful things. Despite that, Sora tries to chases after him when he leaves after their battle because even if Riku doesn't think it, he's still important to him.
Sora and Co. try to figure out what is going on with Riku. Sora has a moment of doubt, but they reassure him that, despite what Riku said, he doesn't want to stop being friends with Sora. Sora decides to also try and help get Riku's memories back to him. They cheer Sora up and the group moves on. After another town visit, Sora runs into Riku again. Sora devotes more attention to trying to get Riku to come back home with him. He responds with even more jeers and they fight again. Riku runs away again, but Sora will not be deterred. And then he forgets about Kairi.
On floor ten Sora meets the next memberof Organization XII, Vexen. After the battle Vexen gives Sora a card that he says is created from the memories of the other side of his heart. Sora and Co. find themselves standing in front of a mansion that Sora knows he has never been to, but yet it feels familiar. Vexen shows up again. Goads him and reveals that Riku wasn't actually Riku but a Riku replica. But Sora took it as it being planted memories. Although he does warn Sora that Marluxia, the first man who showed up, will end up using him as his own little playing piece if he continues his search for Namine. Right before Sora can get any more information from him Axel shows up and kills him.
When Sora returns to the castle, Riku is waiting for him. Here he reveals that he made a promise to protect Namine on the night of the meteor shower only to learn that Sora and Riku have the exact same memory of that night. Riku refuses to admit they share the same memory and calls Sora a liar. They fight again and again Riku runs away. Except this time he forgets the charm that Namine gave him. The charm turns in to a card. Sora and Co. get in an argument because of Sora's overeager attempts to prove that his memories about Namine in general. Sora takes it the entire wrong way and leaves Donald and Goofy to find Namine.
Sora uses the card he got to go to Destiny Island, which is falling apart. He fights Darkside and then finds Namine. She reveals to him that it wasn't her that was in his heart, it was Kairi, and that she never really existed in the first place. She was about to explain that she just put memories of her in his heart because she was lonely when Riku shows up and decides to explain for her. And they fight. Again. Except this time Riku doesn't run. He moves to kill Sora, but Namine tells him to stop. He collapses and Larxene shows up, saying that she shattered Riku's heart. Sora, who still doesn't understand that the RIku before him is a replica, attacks Larxene, who was being a cryptic bitch about it.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:45:56 UTC
But she explains it to him anyway, along with explaining that the memories about Namine were planted and completely fake. For the both of them. Larxene continues to berate and abuse Sora and then throws Namine aside when Larxene tries to attack Sora. To which Sora responds that, even if his promise was a fake memory, he still felt that promise and would protect her. This doesn't sit well with Larxene and just as she is about to attack the already very very weak Sora, Goofy and Donald show up to save the day. They win the battle against her and she dissipates.
Namine then explains gently and directly what she had been doing to Sora's memory the whole time he was in Castle Oblivion. Sora forgives her and is all sappy and emotional about not wanting to treat her any differently while he still has the memories of her. She promises to make everything right again in their memories. They make Namine stay on floor twelve while they go to deal with Marluxia on floor thirteen because they don't want her getting hurt.
Sora comes in on an interesting sight indeed. Axel, who was fighting Marluxia, says that he isn't afraid to harm Namine in order to get Marluxia, who had decided to use her as a shield. Sora reacts in kind and attacks Axel. During their battle Marluxia flees. After the battle Axel mentions that saving Sora was worth it and disappears before Sora can get him to explain. He chases down Marluxia to get Namine back. Marluxia orders Namine to erase Sora's memories to destroy his heart. Namine refuses to hurt Sora. But Sora tells her to do it because he doesn't want her to be destroyed by Marluxia. But instead of letting that happen, RepliRiku shows up on the scene to fight along side Sora, against Marluxia who threatened to destroy the girl he swore to protect.
Which makes Marluxia angry so he prepares himself to battle them because of their silly ideals. They whup him, he dissipates. But it was only and illusion so RepliRiku runs on to attack him but it was another imitation. So they go through the last door, leaving RepliRiku to protect Namine. Sora gets separated from his friends and is forced to face Marluxia alone. He returns to Namine and RepliRiku. RepliRiku leaves them after a heartfelt conversation with Sora where he tries to convince him to stay. Namine promises to return their memories to normal, but to do so they have to forget all that happened in Castle Oblivion. Sora consents. She takes them all to special capsules where they have to go inside and sleep until she finishes returning their memories to the way they were. Sora makes a promise to her to find her once he comes out so they can be friends for real because he says that, somewhere deep down, he'll still remember.
He sleeps in that pod for a year and all the memories he has of Castle Oblivion are gone when he wakes up.
Sora and Co. wake up from their year's slumber without recollection of what they did after they stopped Ansem from destroying the world the first time. So the consult Jiminy's journal only to find one sentence: Thank Namine. However, they have no memories of their time in Castle Oblivion so they don't know who Namine is. Regardless, they leave the mansion they were sleeping in and go to see the town. Again Sora gets the feeling that he has been to the town before.
He then meets Hayner, Pence, and Olette and they tell them that there was someone looking for them in a black coat and they end up describing King Mickey. So Sora and Co. go to find the King. When they do they are confronted by creatures they have never seen before. They attack relentlessly and the trio, who had been sleeping for a year, didn't have the strength to fight. Mickey jumps in and saves them, giving them money for the train. He tells them to leave town before running off again.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:46:56 UTC
Sora comes to the conclusion that, since Mickey is there and he was closed off behind the Door to Darkness, that Riku must be there too. So Sora and Co. get ready to leave town when Hayner, Pence, and Olette come to the station to see him off. They all get the feeling that, even though they just met, being together this last time is important. Just before he gets on the train, as he is saying good bye, Sora sheds a tear and doesn't know why. Truth be told his Nobody, Roxas, had lived in the same town with the same friends for the entire year that Sora was asleep, thus the connection. None of them remember though. Sora and Co end up at the tower of the great magician Yen Sid. They battle through Heartless planted there by Pete, who works for Malificent while not knowing that Sora and Co got rid of her a while ago, to get to him. When they do, Yen Sid tells them that they need to go on another journey. He shows them a book that has a basic summary of the events that had transpired while he was asleep for a year and tells them about the enemies they will face. This is when Sora and Co. learn that the white things they fought back in Twilight Town were called Nobodies, beings created when a person with a strong heart becomes a Heartless, and that Nobodies came in many forms, some even human.
They also learn about Organization XIII (which Sora had interacted with before but doesn't remember), which is a group of strong Nobodies that have sentient thought and seem to have a plan to do something with the world. Turns out the Organization was involved from the beginning, but they weren't aware of them. So Sora and Co. decide to continue looking for the King to work together with him to stop Organization XIII. Sora gets some nifty magical clothes, they get the gummi ship again, and they leave on yet another journey.
Their first important stop is Hollow Bastion. Leon and Co have moved back to their home town, which is in the process of being fixed up from the last Heartless invasion. It has a new defense system that helps to protect it against the Heartless. Sora goes to see all his old friends. It turns out that everyone, all at the same time, remembered Sora and Co. Of course, they hadn't seen Mickey or Riku, but Sora decides to help them with their new Heartless and Nobody problems. Not that it was much of a stretch. While talking with Leon they are attacked by Nobodies. Once they are defeated, members of Organization XIII show up for the first time to Sora, although none of them take off their hoods. Before Sora can attack them, they disappear while he is being distracted by one of the members. He mentions reminding Sora of who he was fighting against and that 'he' gave him the same look. This would be the first of many times that the Organization would say things like that.
After traveling through some familiar places and helping his friends out there, Sora returns to Twilight Town. Once he gets there he goes to save Seifer and his gang from Nobodies. He runs in to another member of the Organization where he learns their member, Axel, has gone against them and that he would do anything in his power to turn Sora in to a Heartless and then teases him with information about Riku before disappearing (as people are want to do in this series). Afterwords he finds Hayner and his gang and they told him they saw Kairi, but Axel kidnapped her before Sora could see her. Sora and Co. leave Twilight Town, again making the promise to return.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:47:21 UTC
Sora then returns to Hollow Bastion where the Heartless and Nobody problem has seemed to have increased. Sora goes to help Leon out, finds some faeries who are working for Malificent (but Sora doesn't know that) and he tells them their plan. Either way, Sora goes to help Leon. It turns out the problem is coming from inside the mainframe of the computer they found. It also turns out that the study the hidden room belonged to Ansem. Which also means that the computer has information that might be useful for Sora finding Kairi and Riku. He meets another woman who is looking for Cloud (but no one knows how to describe people in this game). She breaks things and leaves. Leon comes out of the secret passage in the wall. Sora gets sucked in to the computer because of a defense system. He meets a program named Tron and helps him take control of the system again after finding the password in Ansem's study. The program they need to hack in to is called the DTD, or Door To Darkness. Which is where the information Sora needs is.
During this excursion to Ansem's study, Sora and Co. find King Mickey. Mickey tells them he is looking for Ansem. Sora thinks he's being silly because they already defeated Ansem, Mickey tells them he will explain once Sora and crew finish their mission with Tron. When they get back Sora tries accessing the DTD only to find that it doesn't hold any of the information that Sora needs and that all the data on the Organization is corrupt. Mickey comes back and tells them that the picture came up is a picture of Ansem with Wise, the real Ansem. The Ansem that Sora beat was the fake Ansem's Heartless and that the Nobody made when the imposter turned into a Heartless is the leader of Organization XIII. Sora asks Mickey what he knows about Riku, but Mickey can't tell him. Mickey learns that Kairi has been kidnapped so he decides that he will come with them to find Riku and Kairi instead of looking for Ansem the Wise first.
Turns out while they were all messing with the system and talking, the town was being overrun by Heartless and Nobodies. Sora and Co go to help Mickey fight, but Mickey tells them to leave and go look for Riku and Kairi. Sora and Co refuse to leave because there is an entire army of Heartless on the way and they run off to fight despite Mickey's orders. Then they run in to Demyx, an Organization XIII member, and defeat him. Mickey catches up after the battle and forgives them, they decide to team up to finish the battle. A chunk of cliff explodes due to a battle happening up there and Goofy takes the blow for Mickey. The three set out on a quest to avenge Goofy. After some battling, Goofy comes back. Turns out he was just knocked out. So they're a team again and they go forward to finish the battle to protect Hollow Bastion.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:47:50 UTC
They find the Nobody that leads Organization XIII and Mickey remembers who he really once was. He was Xehanort, one of Ansem the Wise's apprentices. They all get separated trying to chase Xehanort's Nobody(Xemnas) and after a really long battle they reunite. Sora gives Xemnas the 3rd degree, he leaves Sora with a cryptic message about the King knowing about Riku and disappears. They run in to Axel, who tells them that Sora is just being used as a pawn to collect hearts from the Heartless. Sora realizes that it is Axel and that he kidnapped Kairi. Axel apologizes before Saix (Org XIII member) pops up and Axel runs because, ha, he's a renegade. Sora begs Saix to take him to Kairi, even gets down on his knees, but Saix blatantly says no and summons Heartless to trap Sora and force him to gain more hearts from Sora killing them. Maleficent comes in, summons more Heartless, and Saix summons Nobodies. Maleficent faces the Nobodies on her own, giving Sora time to run away. Which he doesn't do. Again he is forced to fight Heartless and release the hearts from within them. Saix leaves and Sora has an existential crisis about not being able to use the Keyblade. Maleficent saves him again and Sora leaves for another world.
Sora and Co end up in a world that is all Darkness. There someone in an Organization XIII coat leaves them a box and in that box is a photo of Hayner, Olette, Pence, and a boy Sora calls Roxas even though he has never seen him or met him before. Later he would learn that Roxas was his own Nobody. There is also an ice cream bar in the box. They open a gateway out of the Darkness and continue on their journey. They return to Beast's castle and help him defeat Xaldin, a member of Organization XIII that had been a thorn in his side for a little while now. Then they go back to visit Mulan again. Turns out she had been trailing a man in a black coat. Sora and Co accompany her because it's an Organization member. They get separated by a sea of Heartless and Sora fights him. Just as the member is about to leave he realizes that it's Riku and he wants to follow him. He seems to be heading for the castle. Mulan needs to warn the Emperor so they go.
Sora and Co run to the castle and Sora runs in to who he calls Riku. Turns out it isn't Riku and he is forced to fight some Nobodies before he goes to see the Emperor. Turns out Riku had been there and he had gone to warn the Emperor about an impending doom, but that he didn't need to worry about it because Sora could take care of it. Sora does, in fact, take care of the Heartless problem and they continue on their journey, all while Sora is questioning why Riku is with the Organization.
After some more adventuring they go back to Hollow Bastion in order to help Tron defeat the MCP once and for all before continuing on to Twilight Town once more. Here he finds out that Hayner and his gang had come to the conclusion that there had to be a parallel Twilight Town. How else would Sora and Co have gotten Olette's identical hand made munny pouch? So they all go in to the creepy old Mansion and find a secret computer room with a teleportation device that sends Sora and Co and Mickey over in to the reverse Twilight Town, or The World That Never Was. On their way to The World That Never Was, Sora and Co get attacked by Nobodies. Axel shows up and expends the rest of his existence to save them, telling them that Kairi is in the dungeon and to go and find her.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:48:14 UTC
Once Sora and Co get to The World That Never Was, Sora is confronted by a young man with a keyblade in an Organization coat. They battle and the young man wonders why the Keyblade chose him. In the end, Sora wins because the Keyblade comes back to him. Sora returns to Donald and Goofy with the memories of fighting with Roxas. They all go in to the castle and search for Kairi. Mickey finds Ansem with Wise in the castle and helps him to set up a device that would convert the hearts of the completed Kingdom Hearts into data and thus ruin the Organization's plan.
Meanwhile Sora is running around he runs in to an Organization member and defeats him in order to get to the level where he sees Kairi fighting along side an Organization member. When he gets up there he helps them fight the enemies. Kairi, when she realizes that Sora is there, runs in to his arms. It's been a while since they've seen each other. When Kairi realizes that the man(that looks like Ansem's Heartless) she was with is trying to leave, she runs to him and tells him not to leave, calls him Riku. Sora doesn't believe her at first, but she puts his hand in Sora's and he can feel that it is Riku. (I'll be taking him from between here and when he has a mini break down over working so hard to find Riku only to finally be reunited).
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || ReservedlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:48:39 UTC
Abilities/Additional Notes: Keyblade: Sora is considered the Keyblade master. He can summon his Keyblade at will and make it disappear at will as well. The Keyblade itself can lock and unlock anything. Anything locked by the Keyblade can only be unlocked by a Keyblade. It also works great as a bludgeoning tool.
Magic: Sora can use the abilities of the basic elements: fire, lightning (thunder), ice(blizzard), air(Aero/Reflect), and gravity(gravity/magnet). Using these spells takes up energy that takes time to restore. The more powerful the spell, the more energy it takes. He can also use healing magic(cure). In this case, since his canon point is from the end of the game, he would likely be able to use all levels of magic (fire, fira, firaga in order of strength and so on).
Drive Forms: Sora has five different Drive forms. For these forms he has to borrow the power of one to two other people in order to be able to use them. In each form his outfit changes to match the type he is using. They also have a time limit for how long he can use them and cannot be used excessively.
Valor form: Based on physical attacks, Sora obtains two Keyblades and can use them for simultaneous battle. It also allows him to move faster and jump higher. He gets a nifty red outfit. It only requires the strength of one other person.
Wisdom Form: Based on magical ability. Sora uses one Keyblade that shoots balls (bullets) of magic at the opponent. While in this form he cannot use the Keyblade to physically attack his opponent and he glides across the ground, making it easier to dodge attacks. His outfit changes to a blue theme. It only requires the power of one other person.
Master Form: Is a combination of both Valor and Wisdom form so it utilizes both physical attack and magic. Sora wields two Keyblades. He carries one physically and wields the other telekenetically. It allows him to jump in midair. He wears yellow. It requires the power of two other people.
Final Form: Similar to the Master Form in the fact that it also utilizes both magic and physical attacks however it is stronger. It is considered the strongest form that Sora can use. Sora gains the ability to glide while in this form. He wields two Keyblades. His outfit is silver and white and Sora does not have to physically hold his Keyblades (they attack based on telekinetics( that Sora cannot use outside of this form). It requires the power of two other people.
Anti-Sora: When Sora uses his forms in excess he turns in to Anti-Sora. In this form he cannot heal, use the Keyblade, use magic, or reflect attacks. It relies entirely on speed and physical strength and Sora seems to lose the ability to understand what it means to be human. He turns feral and just focuses on attacking and defeating the opponent until the allotted time for the form is finished. Sora turns into a shadow of himself. It requires the power of two other people.
Once Sora's Drive Form has been used it takes a while for him to restore the energy that he needs to be able to use it again. In this case he would likely only be able to use one form per battle since there isn't an exact gauge for his ability in Adstring like there is in the video game. Also, once Sora reverts back from his Drive form, the power he borrowed returns to the ones he borrowed it from.
Sora || Kingdom Hearts || Reserved || Final PartlicensedheroOctober 18 2011, 05:49:01 UTC
Sample Journal Post: [One second Sora was holding on to Riku's hand about to cry his eyes out and the next he was on his knees on some old street with a PCD in his hands instead. It took him a second to realize he wasn't where he was supposed to be.]
[His grip tightens on the PCD.]
No. This is not happening. Not after I-[He jumps up to his feet.] No! Riku! Kairi!
[He starts running through the streets, screaming his friends names.]
Riku!! [The feed cuts out just as Sora pulls out his Keyblade and shouts at the sky.] Bring me back!
Sample RP: It was just a typical night in Adveture Land with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. The sun had long since set and the three of them were sitting around the campfire warming their travel weary bodies. Sora held out his hands to warm them with the fire's heat and rested his chin on his knees. He heard Goofy yawn, but decided to say something anyway.
"Hey guys, you ever wonder what it would be like to be a fire?"
He gets a classic in unison 'Huh?' from his buddies and just smiles as Donald goes in to a rant about how ridiculous being a fire would be. He looked across the dancing flames at his traveling companions. Had anyone told him about a year ago that he would be traveling with a talking duck and a dog (maybe? What was Goofy anyway? Oh well.) then he probably would have just laughed.
"I was kidding Donald!" Which got all three of them to laugh. Sora shifted and leaned back on his hands, "What time do we have to be up tomorrow?"
Donald responded with a prompt "Dawn."
"Aww Donald! Have a heart! Can't we sleep in just once?" When his ducky buddy responded with a negative Sora sighed and laid down to get comfortable, "Well then I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up with your snoring." He tossed a smile at his friends. Goofy laughed, Donald huffed, and Sora turned over. It was nights like these that he was glad to have made some new and interesting friends.
He would only use his Drive forms in extreme situations. Only characters with special abilities themselves would be able to be used for his Drive forms (a person with great physical strength that would exceed normal human levels or a person with magical abilities). Sora would need someone of great physical strength for all forms but Wisdom and someone able to use magic for all forms but Valor. The person has to be willing and while Sora is using their ability they wont be able to use it themselves.
Sora, along with Donald and Goofy, travel to The End of the World, which ends up being what is left of Destiny Island because of Ansem's corruption. Together they fight Ansem on Destiny Islands, but it does not defeat him. Sora continues to find him again and gets separated from Donald and Goofy. After defeating Darkside and Ansem once more, he retrieves his friends, all while chipping away at Ansem's final form only to see him successfully open the Door to Darkness. Only problem with that is it wasn't darkness that waited for Ansem, but light. He deteriorated and Sora moved to close the door. Only he wasn't strong enough to close it. However, Riku and the King were on the inside. Riku helped to pull the door closed and Mickey (the King) helped to seal it from the other side. Sora returns to Kairi and instead of returning home with her he promises that he'll come home with Riku. And so his journey continues.
While walking along a path with Donald and Goofy, who are also still looking for King Mickey, they stumble across Pluto who holds a letter for them. They chase the dog and continue their travels. One night, Sora meets a strange cloaked man on the road. It was that man that encouraged Sora to continue on to the castle at the end of the road, Castle Oblivion.
Sora and Co. go inside the castle and run in to the same man that Sora met on the road. Donald assumes he is a Heartless and attempts to use magic on him to get rid of him. However the group learns that they have forgotten all of their abilities that they had learned during their last adventure. The man offers them the cryptic sentence, "To find is to lose and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion." He samples Sora's memories and hands him a card, which becomes his main way to travel between "worlds" via a powerful door on the other end of the entrance hall.
Like his previous adventure, his first stop is Traverse Town. Only this time no one remembers who Sora is, yet they seem to remember his name. It is here where Sora and Co. start to realize that their memories are at stake in this mysterious Castle Oblivion. He returns to find the same cloaked man once more. Only this time they are interrupted by a man wearing the same black coat that goes by the name of Axel. Unlike the first man he met, this one doesn't conceal his identity. They battle and Sora is rewarded with another card. Turns out Axel isn't gone. He gives Sora a speech about remembering what is most important to him. Sora refuses Axel's help and continues on his journey. In between floors Sora visits the town on the cards he received.
On each subsequent floor the three of them explore more of their memories together, gradually forgetting more and more details about the things that they had experienced in their lives. Despite this fact, they explore their memories with one another. Once they get to the third floor they come to the realization that they are, in fact, losing their memories. But they find resolution in the fact that they will never forget the people they really care about because those memories are in their hearts.
Once he remembers all about Namine, Sora moves forward with a new sort of vigor in order to go and save his "friend". It is here when he runs in to Riku for the first time. What he doesn't know is that it isn't Riku, it's a Riku replica. This Riku goads him on about how terrible he is for forgetting about him and forgetting about Namine. Then they start fighting and Riku says some really hurtful things. Despite that, Sora tries to chases after him when he leaves after their battle because even if Riku doesn't think it, he's still important to him.
Sora and Co. try to figure out what is going on with Riku. Sora has a moment of doubt, but they reassure him that, despite what Riku said, he doesn't want to stop being friends with Sora. Sora decides to also try and help get Riku's memories back to him. They cheer Sora up and the group moves on. After another town visit, Sora runs into Riku again. Sora devotes more attention to trying to get Riku to come back home with him. He responds with even more jeers and they fight again. Riku runs away again, but Sora will not be deterred. And then he forgets about Kairi.
On floor ten Sora meets the next memberof Organization XII, Vexen. After the battle Vexen gives Sora a card that he says is created from the memories of the other side of his heart. Sora and Co. find themselves standing in front of a mansion that Sora knows he has never been to, but yet it feels familiar. Vexen shows up again. Goads him and reveals that Riku wasn't actually Riku but a Riku replica. But Sora took it as it being planted memories. Although he does warn Sora that Marluxia, the first man who showed up, will end up using him as his own little playing piece if he continues his search for Namine. Right before Sora can get any more information from him Axel shows up and kills him.
When Sora returns to the castle, Riku is waiting for him. Here he reveals that he made a promise to protect Namine on the night of the meteor shower only to learn that Sora and Riku have the exact same memory of that night. Riku refuses to admit they share the same memory and calls Sora a liar. They fight again and again Riku runs away. Except this time he forgets the charm that Namine gave him. The charm turns in to a card. Sora and Co. get in an argument because of Sora's overeager attempts to prove that his memories about Namine in general. Sora takes it the entire wrong way and leaves Donald and Goofy to find Namine.
Sora uses the card he got to go to Destiny Island, which is falling apart. He fights Darkside and then finds Namine. She reveals to him that it wasn't her that was in his heart, it was Kairi, and that she never really existed in the first place. She was about to explain that she just put memories of her in his heart because she was lonely when Riku shows up and decides to explain for her. And they fight. Again. Except this time Riku doesn't run. He moves to kill Sora, but Namine tells him to stop. He collapses and Larxene shows up, saying that she shattered Riku's heart. Sora, who still doesn't understand that the RIku before him is a replica, attacks Larxene, who was being a cryptic bitch about it.
Namine then explains gently and directly what she had been doing to Sora's memory the whole time he was in Castle Oblivion. Sora forgives her and is all sappy and emotional about not wanting to treat her any differently while he still has the memories of her. She promises to make everything right again in their memories. They make Namine stay on floor twelve while they go to deal with Marluxia on floor thirteen because they don't want her getting hurt.
Sora comes in on an interesting sight indeed. Axel, who was fighting Marluxia, says that he isn't afraid to harm Namine in order to get Marluxia, who had decided to use her as a shield. Sora reacts in kind and attacks Axel. During their battle Marluxia flees. After the battle Axel mentions that saving Sora was worth it and disappears before Sora can get him to explain. He chases down Marluxia to get Namine back. Marluxia orders Namine to erase Sora's memories to destroy his heart. Namine refuses to hurt Sora. But Sora tells her to do it because he doesn't want her to be destroyed by Marluxia. But instead of letting that happen, RepliRiku shows up on the scene to fight along side Sora, against Marluxia who threatened to destroy the girl he swore to protect.
Which makes Marluxia angry so he prepares himself to battle them because of their silly ideals. They whup him, he dissipates. But it was only and illusion so RepliRiku runs on to attack him but it was another imitation. So they go through the last door, leaving RepliRiku to protect Namine. Sora gets separated from his friends and is forced to face Marluxia alone. He returns to Namine and RepliRiku. RepliRiku leaves them after a heartfelt conversation with Sora where he tries to convince him to stay. Namine promises to return their memories to normal, but to do so they have to forget all that happened in Castle Oblivion. Sora consents. She takes them all to special capsules where they have to go inside and sleep until she finishes returning their memories to the way they were. Sora makes a promise to her to find her once he comes out so they can be friends for real because he says that, somewhere deep down, he'll still remember.
He sleeps in that pod for a year and all the memories he has of Castle Oblivion are gone when he wakes up.
Sora and Co. wake up from their year's slumber without recollection of what they did after they stopped Ansem from destroying the world the first time. So the consult Jiminy's journal only to find one sentence: Thank Namine. However, they have no memories of their time in Castle Oblivion so they don't know who Namine is. Regardless, they leave the mansion they were sleeping in and go to see the town. Again Sora gets the feeling that he has been to the town before.
He then meets Hayner, Pence, and Olette and they tell them that there was someone looking for them in a black coat and they end up describing King Mickey. So Sora and Co. go to find the King. When they do they are confronted by creatures they have never seen before. They attack relentlessly and the trio, who had been sleeping for a year, didn't have the strength to fight. Mickey jumps in and saves them, giving them money for the train. He tells them to leave town before running off again.
Sora and Co end up at the tower of the great magician Yen Sid. They battle through Heartless planted there by Pete, who works for Malificent while not knowing that Sora and Co got rid of her a while ago, to get to him. When they do, Yen Sid tells them that they need to go on another journey. He shows them a book that has a basic summary of the events that had transpired while he was asleep for a year and tells them about the enemies they will face. This is when Sora and Co. learn that the white things they fought back in Twilight Town were called Nobodies, beings created when a person with a strong heart becomes a Heartless, and that Nobodies came in many forms, some even human.
They also learn about Organization XIII (which Sora had interacted with before but doesn't remember), which is a group of strong Nobodies that have sentient thought and seem to have a plan to do something with the world. Turns out the Organization was involved from the beginning, but they weren't aware of them. So Sora and Co. decide to continue looking for the King to work together with him to stop Organization XIII. Sora gets some nifty magical clothes, they get the gummi ship again, and they leave on yet another journey.
Their first important stop is Hollow Bastion. Leon and Co have moved back to their home town, which is in the process of being fixed up from the last Heartless invasion. It has a new defense system that helps to protect it against the Heartless. Sora goes to see all his old friends. It turns out that everyone, all at the same time, remembered Sora and Co. Of course, they hadn't seen Mickey or Riku, but Sora decides to help them with their new Heartless and Nobody problems. Not that it was much of a stretch. While talking with Leon they are attacked by Nobodies. Once they are defeated, members of Organization XIII show up for the first time to Sora, although none of them take off their hoods. Before Sora can attack them, they disappear while he is being distracted by one of the members. He mentions reminding Sora of who he was fighting against and that 'he' gave him the same look. This would be the first of many times that the Organization would say things like that.
After traveling through some familiar places and helping his friends out there, Sora returns to Twilight Town. Once he gets there he goes to save Seifer and his gang from Nobodies. He runs in to another member of the Organization where he learns their member, Axel, has gone against them and that he would do anything in his power to turn Sora in to a Heartless and then teases him with information about Riku before disappearing (as people are want to do in this series). Afterwords he finds Hayner and his gang and they told him they saw Kairi, but Axel kidnapped her before Sora could see her. Sora and Co. leave Twilight Town, again making the promise to return.
During this excursion to Ansem's study, Sora and Co. find King Mickey. Mickey tells them he is looking for Ansem. Sora thinks he's being silly because they already defeated Ansem, Mickey tells them he will explain once Sora and crew finish their mission with Tron. When they get back Sora tries accessing the DTD only to find that it doesn't hold any of the information that Sora needs and that all the data on the Organization is corrupt. Mickey comes back and tells them that the picture came up is a picture of Ansem with Wise, the real Ansem. The Ansem that Sora beat was the fake Ansem's Heartless and that the Nobody made when the imposter turned into a Heartless is the leader of Organization XIII. Sora asks Mickey what he knows about Riku, but Mickey can't tell him. Mickey learns that Kairi has been kidnapped so he decides that he will come with them to find Riku and Kairi instead of looking for Ansem the Wise first.
Turns out while they were all messing with the system and talking, the town was being overrun by Heartless and Nobodies. Sora and Co go to help Mickey fight, but Mickey tells them to leave and go look for Riku and Kairi. Sora and Co refuse to leave because there is an entire army of Heartless on the way and they run off to fight despite Mickey's orders. Then they run in to Demyx, an Organization XIII member, and defeat him. Mickey catches up after the battle and forgives them, they decide to team up to finish the battle. A chunk of cliff explodes due to a battle happening up there and Goofy takes the blow for Mickey. The three set out on a quest to avenge Goofy. After some battling, Goofy comes back. Turns out he was just knocked out. So they're a team again and they go forward to finish the battle to protect Hollow Bastion.
Sora and Co end up in a world that is all Darkness. There someone in an Organization XIII coat leaves them a box and in that box is a photo of Hayner, Olette, Pence, and a boy Sora calls Roxas even though he has never seen him or met him before. Later he would learn that Roxas was his own Nobody. There is also an ice cream bar in the box. They open a gateway out of the Darkness and continue on their journey. They return to Beast's castle and help him defeat Xaldin, a member of Organization XIII that had been a thorn in his side for a little while now. Then they go back to visit Mulan again. Turns out she had been trailing a man in a black coat. Sora and Co accompany her because it's an Organization member. They get separated by a sea of Heartless and Sora fights him. Just as the member is about to leave he realizes that it's Riku and he wants to follow him. He seems to be heading for the castle. Mulan needs to warn the Emperor so they go.
Sora and Co run to the castle and Sora runs in to who he calls Riku. Turns out it isn't Riku and he is forced to fight some Nobodies before he goes to see the Emperor. Turns out Riku had been there and he had gone to warn the Emperor about an impending doom, but that he didn't need to worry about it because Sora could take care of it. Sora does, in fact, take care of the Heartless problem and they continue on their journey, all while Sora is questioning why Riku is with the Organization.
After some more adventuring they go back to Hollow Bastion in order to help Tron defeat the MCP once and for all before continuing on to Twilight Town once more. Here he finds out that Hayner and his gang had come to the conclusion that there had to be a parallel Twilight Town. How else would Sora and Co have gotten Olette's identical hand made munny pouch? So they all go in to the creepy old Mansion and find a secret computer room with a teleportation device that sends Sora and Co and Mickey over in to the reverse Twilight Town, or The World That Never Was. On their way to The World That Never Was, Sora and Co get attacked by Nobodies. Axel shows up and expends the rest of his existence to save them, telling them that Kairi is in the dungeon and to go and find her.
Meanwhile Sora is running around he runs in to an Organization member and defeats him in order to get to the level where he sees Kairi fighting along side an Organization member. When he gets up there he helps them fight the enemies. Kairi, when she realizes that Sora is there, runs in to his arms. It's been a while since they've seen each other. When Kairi realizes that the man(that looks like Ansem's Heartless) she was with is trying to leave, she runs to him and tells him not to leave, calls him Riku. Sora doesn't believe her at first, but she puts his hand in Sora's and he can feel that it is Riku. (I'll be taking him from between here and when he has a mini break down over working so hard to find Riku only to finally be reunited).
Keyblade: Sora is considered the Keyblade master. He can summon his Keyblade at will and make it disappear at will as well. The Keyblade itself can lock and unlock anything. Anything locked by the Keyblade can only be unlocked by a Keyblade. It also works great as a bludgeoning tool.
Magic: Sora can use the abilities of the basic elements: fire, lightning (thunder), ice(blizzard), air(Aero/Reflect), and gravity(gravity/magnet). Using these spells takes up energy that takes time to restore. The more powerful the spell, the more energy it takes. He can also use healing magic(cure). In this case, since his canon point is from the end of the game, he would likely be able to use all levels of magic (fire, fira, firaga in order of strength and so on).
Drive Forms: Sora has five different Drive forms. For these forms he has to borrow the power of one to two other people in order to be able to use them. In each form his outfit changes to match the type he is using. They also have a time limit for how long he can use them and cannot be used excessively.
Valor form: Based on physical attacks, Sora obtains two Keyblades and can use them for simultaneous battle. It also allows him to move faster and jump higher. He gets a nifty red outfit. It only requires the strength of one other person.
Wisdom Form: Based on magical ability. Sora uses one Keyblade that shoots balls (bullets) of magic at the opponent. While in this form he cannot use the Keyblade to physically attack his opponent and he glides across the ground, making it easier to dodge attacks. His outfit changes to a blue theme. It only requires the power of one other person.
Master Form: Is a combination of both Valor and Wisdom form so it utilizes both physical attack and magic. Sora wields two Keyblades. He carries one physically and wields the other telekenetically. It allows him to jump in midair. He wears yellow. It requires the power of two other people.
Final Form: Similar to the Master Form in the fact that it also utilizes both magic and physical attacks however it is stronger. It is considered the strongest form that Sora can use. Sora gains the ability to glide while in this form. He wields two Keyblades. His outfit is silver and white and Sora does not have to physically hold his Keyblades (they attack based on telekinetics( that Sora cannot use outside of this form). It requires the power of two other people.
Anti-Sora: When Sora uses his forms in excess he turns in to Anti-Sora. In this form he cannot heal, use the Keyblade, use magic, or reflect attacks. It relies entirely on speed and physical strength and Sora seems to lose the ability to understand what it means to be human. He turns feral and just focuses on attacking and defeating the opponent until the allotted time for the form is finished. Sora turns into a shadow of himself. It requires the power of two other people.
Once Sora's Drive Form has been used it takes a while for him to restore the energy that he needs to be able to use it again. In this case he would likely only be able to use one form per battle since there isn't an exact gauge for his ability in Adstring like there is in the video game. Also, once Sora reverts back from his Drive form, the power he borrowed returns to the ones he borrowed it from.
[One second Sora was holding on to Riku's hand about to cry his eyes out and the next he was on his knees on some old street with a PCD in his hands instead. It took him a second to realize he wasn't where he was supposed to be.]
[His grip tightens on the PCD.]
No. This is not happening. Not after I-[He jumps up to his feet.] No! Riku! Kairi!
[He starts running through the streets, screaming his friends names.]
Riku!! [The feed cuts out just as Sora pulls out his Keyblade and shouts at the sky.] Bring me back!
Sample RP:
It was just a typical night in Adveture Land with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. The sun had long since set and the three of them were sitting around the campfire warming their travel weary bodies. Sora held out his hands to warm them with the fire's heat and rested his chin on his knees. He heard Goofy yawn, but decided to say something anyway.
"Hey guys, you ever wonder what it would be like to be a fire?"
He gets a classic in unison 'Huh?' from his buddies and just smiles as Donald goes in to a rant about how ridiculous being a fire would be. He looked across the dancing flames at his traveling companions. Had anyone told him about a year ago that he would be traveling with a talking duck and a dog (maybe? What was Goofy anyway? Oh well.) then he probably would have just laughed.
"I was kidding Donald!" Which got all three of them to laugh. Sora shifted and leaned back on his hands, "What time do we have to be up tomorrow?"
Donald responded with a prompt "Dawn."
"Aww Donald! Have a heart! Can't we sleep in just once?" When his ducky buddy responded with a negative Sora sighed and laid down to get comfortable, "Well then I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up with your snoring." He tossed a smile at his friends. Goofy laughed, Donald huffed, and Sora turned over. It was nights like these that he was glad to have made some new and interesting friends.
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