Jun 10, 2010 19:24
so this is the second time i've sent my macbookpro for repairs, thank god i'd applied for applecare, i don't know what i'd have done if i'd had to pay for a new screen twice. see, what happened the first time was that the screen started fizzing out into a million different colours before eventually turning to black. that happened everytime i turned it on, so obviously i couldn't use the laptop, i had to get it repaired. two days in the repair shop and the technician calls me to tell me that my laptop was sitting right in front of him and nothing was wrong with it. wtff? i told him, there must be something wrong with it, which was hilarious because it sounded like i wanted there to be something wrong with my laptop - well of course i wanted there to be something wrong with it, i didn't take frikin' time and money to travel to the pits of ang mo kio for nothing. he changed my display and said he'd cross his fingers and hope that that solved it.
bullshit. a week from then, a line appeared across the top of the screen and remained there like a smug smiling asshole. the laptop worked fine though, so i didn't much care for shelling out another $10 and sending it to the service centre (yes, i took cabs because there was no direct bus service and seriously, isn't it principally wrong not to take a cab when you have to take two bus services and a huge detour to get to somewhere within your own neighbourhood? gods.) that was until the screen began to flicker occasionally. then i knew that it was only a matter of time before it'd do the whole fireworks thing on me again, so i took it to the shop. i've just returned from collecting it and guess what! they've replaced the screen! again! and when i gave the front desk my D: face she asked me, bemused, what, you not happy they change screen for you? they changed the airport card too! and i was like, what the fuck is the point of changing the screen yet again i just got a new one last week and she was like well hope that this is okay lah and i'm like fuck this shit, apple, you and your useless solutions.
i had such unwavering faith in my macbookpro but this changes everything. it's like once something as vital as your laptop fucks up on you once (and then twice), you can no longer rest on certain assumptions that once shaped your world. like the assumption that your laptop will serve you unerringly and beautifully until at least four years have passed. what am i supposed to do now? i feel like from now to infinity i'm just going to be sitting nervously and waiting for that insidious line to appear on my screen again. or for the display to blow up. because that solution isn't a solution if it didn't solve the problem the first time round. i guess it's possible that i was given two faulty screens in a row, but that does nothing to restore my faith in apple. wha lao you think your shares over take microsoft then you can liddat is it. my laptop isn't even a year old! and why go and anyhow touch my airport card! knn.