mish's yard sale! (shelf two)

Jun 10, 2009 19:48

hi! welcome to my yard sale! \o/

1. feel free to ask me more about the content/condition of books you're interested in. 
2. prices are negotiable, especially if you're buying a few books!
3. you're v. welcome to my place to take a look at them, but please don't ask me to cart them around town/wherever unless you're definitely buying them and it's a meet-up to exchange money and books. (:  
4. i prefer internet banking but if you don't have an account, cash is good too. (: 
5. if you have no money, you can pay me in books that i want! i like books that are easy to read.

you know you want to buy some books because 
a. you like the book
b. your friend/sister/brother/younger cousin/pet tortoise would love it (and thus, love you for getting it for him/her/it) 
c. you want to become more intelligent, and neopets says the more books you read the more intelligent you are
d. you want to support the arts (i will use the money for art (Y))
e. when i am famous, you can sell them on ebay 8)
f. you love me and you want to help :D

30. $15 reserved for kanzy (:                                    31. $15 (lovely noir introduction to the batverse) reserved for chris k (:


32. $20 (brand new, mm recoloured love)            33. $20 (brand new, fking awesome art by dave mckean)


34. $15 (plastic marks on the cover, existent at   35. $15 reserved for alan (:
time of purchase. still a pretty book, though!)
reserved for chris k (:


36. $8 reserved for alan (:                                         37. $20 (is a damn good book) reserved for alan (:


38. $15                                                                         39. Rising Stars I. Born in Fire $17
                                                                                       40. Rising Stars II. Power $17  or $30 for both 
                                                                                       (These are 2 of 3 parts of a really, really good story)


41. $12 reserved for alan (:                                      42. $12


43. runaways issue #25, $4                                    44. $3 (i bought it for the inspiring crow silhouettes inside lol)


45. dolly (if i am not wrong this is called a             46. $3
      doujin. all pictures inside) $1


47. $15 (damn new, great oil paint-style               48. $15 (v. interesting watercolour-style illustration,

illustration from john bolton here)                          not your average comic)

also thinking of selling the following, but not sure how to price them. if you're interested (in buying them by the set only please) name a price!

49. the complete fables by bill willingham&co

50. the complete lucifer by mike carey&co

next shelf: more comic books & art books!

mish's online yard sale

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