The Honours Orchestra was up to its usual audition stretch shenanigans on Friday: card games, tinkering around on the piano, shouting in order to be heard over the din without caring thinking about how that was causing even more noise.
But! Today we had something new! Face paint! I don't buy into the whole spirit week thing but if I have an excuse to spray my hair green and draw silly things on my face, why not take advantage of the opportunity?
After Jaimie was done smearing two stripes across my cheeks she turned to Randy and, in a sudden bout of sadism, caked oily, black paint on his eyelids. Poor Randy tried to wash it off in the bathroom but it only made him look like the matchmaker after Mulan dumped tea on her face. Only Randy is probably about one third her girth. And also decidedly male.
I felt really bad for him so I offered to help him clean it off; I never knew there was no mirror in the boy's bathroom. It'd be really inconvenient to keep rushing him back and forth to get to the sink so I shrugged and stepped into the restroom after checking nobody else was in there. That stuff is a nightmare to get off after you've already smeared it- some soap even got into his eye. D:
I was standing rather close to him and nearly finished with wiping all of it clean when I heard the door creak behind me. I turn around and see a shocked underclassman gaping at the two of us.
The following exchange went something like this:
"... well, this is awkward. I think I'll be leaving now."