The Gender Similarities Hypothesis

Jan 24, 2007 20:08

The idea that gender differences are large and unchangeable is essentially scientifically false. Research shows that in reality the dueling sexes are more alike then they are different. This is the essence of the gender similarities hypothesis. There are areas where gender differences have been found but these differences are not statistically large effects and most are not even moderate effects. Additionally, context is a major factor in detecting gender differences.

Despite the massive amount of gender research and the meta analysis of this research which shows gender similarities are much more common then gender differences, the media and popular culture significantly inflate ideas of gender difference and perpetuate gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes have wide ranging negative effects for both females and males in a variety of ways. For instance, gender stereotypes which set an expectation of women to be nurturing, kind and submissive can seriously hinder their opportunities and status within their occupations. This is partially because these stereotypically feminine traits are not valued in many careers, especially in occupational positions of authority and leadership. Also if a women violates this nurturing stereotype at work, she risks social sanctions in the form of negative evaluations which can sabotage potential promotions. It is important to note that men can be negatively affected by the opposite macho stereotype that they are too tough to be nurturing because nurturing is a very important aspect of fatherhood.

I first became interested in the subject of gender inequality in my adolescence when I began to really internalize the oppression of women. I found myself passionately outraged at every stab at my gender. My awareness of this oppression caused personal conflict within myself as I saw with new clarity a pattern of inequality which had been taught and reinforced by nearly every major source of influence on society. Politics, religion, culture, occupations, family, school and the media are all examples of systems which I could find numerous and outrageous instances of gender inequality. The assumption that is used to justify this systematic stratification of women is that men and women are entirely and irreconcilably different by nature. This sense of innate gender dualism fuels the use of ridged gender stereotypes.

The effects of inflating gender differences and perpetuating gender stereotypes through popular culture can be devastating to women and girls. In her article, “"The Gender Similarities Hypothesis," Janet Hyde mentions the book, “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus" as an example of how popular culture transmits ideas of gender differences. I remember a familiar taunt from grade school, "boys are from Mars where we eat more candy bars, girls are form Venus where they don't get a penis." This saying is disturbing on multiple levels but at the child's level all they are doing is digesting and mimicking popular culture, and can we blame them? Can you think of something else that rhymes with Venus other then penis? This grade school saying alone powerfully exemplifies gender inequality and how it is reflected and transmitted through culture by highlighting gender differences. Not only does this saying highlight a difference in gender but it has a much deeper and sinister meaning; that boys get benefits because they are boys and girls not only don't get those benefits but they are lacking in the unchangeable anatomy that would grant them those benefits. What is most disturbing though is that the gender dualistic suggestion of the title of this book,"Men are from Mars Women are from Venus" alone was enough to fuel this disturbing taunt as I assume most grade schoolers who chanted this meme had not read the book.

Another related and similar saying I remember from grade school goes like this, "girls went to Jupiter then they got stupider, boys went to Mars to get more candy bars, then the boys went to France to see the lady's dance and there's a whole in the wall where they can see it all." This taunt is also disturbing on multiple levels. Basically this is suggesting that girls are stupid and boys should exploit and take advantage of them. The idea that females and males are so different that they metaphorically come from (or go to) different planets has been popularized and spread throughout culture despite the fact that science has shown otherwise.

The gender similarities hypothesis is a very important aspect of a much needed paradigm shift in society. Instead of inflating the differences between men and women which creates conflict and oppression, we should highlight the similarities which tie us together as human beings who must fairly coincide. One way that we can highlight gender similarities is to minimize the use and power of stereotypes. Stereotype threat for instance acts like a self fulfilling prophecy. It is the tendency for people to preform how they are stereotypically expected to. It can be exemplified in academics with the stereotype that males are better at math the females. Studies have shown that when the context of gender difference is taken away, stereotype threat is reduced and math performance between the genders equals out. It is important to reduce stereotype threat for women by altering the context of many situations in order to provide equal ground for all types of achievement.

female condition, oppression

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