my camera is stuck in black and white (and picture wash/bright) mode. (because i forgot how i made it get that way.) i'll fiddle with it tomorrow/today when i wake up and see if i can get it to quit being so german. but my brother, trying to dick around with it simply because he has the right, standing over a foot taller than me and being the one who initially purchased the thing, took a bunch of candid pictures and made me want to strangle him... but one of them turned out really neat and made me look pretty (which is definitely hard to do).
the rest are in the same directory.
blah, i am so gonna go pass out and die now. i have achy tummy major, the very thought of food is enough to make me spew right now, as if! i don't know how many coins i've eaten. bleargh. maybe if i take the batteries out and make the memory disappear, then it'll have to revert to un-black and white mode. grr, stupid thing, i'd hang it if i thought it would do any good. i wanna go to work with mom tomorrow but i can't because i'm not allowed because it's no longer bring your distant ancestor/wear your pajamas to work day. that was yesterday (and nobody has work on sunday, so what the hell? well, almost nobody, sometimes they do, but those people are strange and haven't thought their lives out very well - i used to work on sundays and i tell you what, it's good because nobody gets out during the day to bother you, but man the traffic from the decent-churchgoing-folk is horrible because, man, no offense, but they can't drive worth a pigeon's shit.) i finally got my drive installed and i got on direct connect, but dammit if my computer didn't RESTART ITSELF in the middle of a download (I was starting to get the ranma 1/2 episode thingies but my computer is a bitch!!) which sucks because now it's no longer qualified to be my boyfriend, because one of the rules was that it had to behave its fucking self (aka do as i tell it) and that just wasn't happening in this situation. i'm sure it's sad.
filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text my tummy is hurting bad now so i'm gonna go pass out, adios world.