phone phone phone. ! i'm up. yes, i'll babysit your children. yes, for three days. yes. yes. ok. thanks goodbye, i'm up again. puke. walk walk walk, yoga, puke. cough. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. puke. now: puke.
kelly sure has hell better pay me better than what melissa pays because hot damn, i'm SICK. literally, and i'm not going to watch that pain in the ass (nikki) for that much and get ripped off again. caris is no trouble at all to me, but nikki is a little asshole and i want to be PAID for watching her, damnit. $5/hr sounds nice. any less, and i quit. she's getting a deal as it is, because i'm getting ripped the hell off!
as the ice pick in his right hand maintained its tenous bite into the massive Tyrolian glacier, Dolph took stock of his situation. aobe, the remnants of the avalanche that swpet him over the side teetered precariously on the glacier's edge, waiting for no more than a snow finch's beatins wings to send it hurtling downard. below, a space of 1,200 feet separated the spiked crampons on Dolph's dangling boots from the craggy ice bouldes at the glacier's base. relieved, Dolph let out a loud sigh. for, even as his fingers slowly slipped from the ice ax, this was like tumbling off a step ladder zompared to the first time he dove into the pure and natural peppermint of Everest - the mint gum without mercy.
i really miss being a kid. i miss having the only drama in my life be agony over my recently lost pair of socks.
oh this sucks. today is taking such a long time. and something about today sucks. we went to costco and i was sick there, and then we went to sweet tomato to eat and i wasn't sick anymore but we came home and i almost puked all over my shoes. i'm going to puke right now, too. i started browsing random journals which made me feel less sick, and then i stumbled upon
aww, and felt the urge to puke again. i ate an apple pie my brother gave me, maybe that's what sucks. he could've poisoned it and hoped i'd die so he'd get my new computer and such. well, too bad. i feel sick. again. mom and i went shopping to get some plates and silverware and a toaster for me when i move out, and we met these (really cute but that's beside the point) guys who said, in the cutest way possible, "we're moving out." so we helped them shop for silverware and measuring spoons because it was blatantly apparent they had no idea what they were doing. (hell no i wouldn't pay no 34$ for a 3-person set of silverware) we discussed all our college things briefly (of course they hadn't heard of digipen) and went our seperate ways, until we ran into each other at the best buy next door and i was like hey is this fate or what, so we talked some more and the taller dude with glasses (brad i think, but i don't remember) was all no [nameless band] is better, you should get that and i was like hey, you're probably right but i've been hunting this cd (enigma something something) across the country, you won't deter me now, muahaha! so he bought the nobody band cd and we exited and outside the store he just handed it to me and goes, i think you'll like it.
he was right.