Every time I've lost another lover...

Aug 02, 2008 17:10

Today is one big party. Can't believe I have time to touch the keyboard, much less use it. Had a baby shower earlier, a party at the lake we just got home from and another party to head to in a few minutes-whew. I didn't know we were so famous.

The fabulous vertical_chaos has opened my eyes to the new breed of Alice fans. Now I have all these new friends such as, ellixian and weazel_luv. Much happiness for new friends. Plus, they have all sorts of great talents that they plan on sharing with me; happy days!

Oh yeah, we got married on Thursday! It was wonderful. My sister married us and my cousin was our witness. The whole thing felt a little bit silly, but in a meaningful way. H surprised me with a new ring, actually an old ring. She got one of my grandmother's rings from my aunt over a month ago and has been waiting until our wedding day to give it to me. For those of you who don't know, my grandmother was my life until she died in 1993, she was an amazing woman and I still love her deeply. The ring is an amethyst stone on a gold band, amethyst was my grandmother's birthstone and is also Rowan's! I cried. I didn't know it was possible, but I love H all the more for it.

Off to wake my girls and fit my fat ass in a swim suit and head to the next party. Much love.

my grandmother, gay marriage, rowan, wedding, party

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