Fucking right bitches!

Mar 23, 2007 17:02

Just received this email:

Congratulations!  You have been accepted to Our Lady of the Lake College.  You will be receiving your acceptance letter in the mail within the next 5 to 7 business days. If you have not received the letter after the time frame please feel free to email me for additional information.  The registrar’s office will be mailing you a copy of all of your classes that transfers to us along with your next steps a week or so after that.  Thanks for your interest and congratulations again.

I will be an RN in 1 yr (Accelerated program) so next yr this time I will hopefully be on my way to an MSN and becoming a nurse practitioner.  Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts, things have been going pretty well lately. Wow a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Will be having a celebratory party indeed.  Stay tuned.

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