Jul 23, 2015 22:52
You should be happy to see me stick around reading comic or watching anime when I have day off. Meanwhile other girl get pregnant and left by their boyfriend, or sucking dick for money, or clubbing until sunset and getting high with drugs..
What am I doing wrong here? I'm not going anywhere, not even leaving the fence house these days, I did the house work when Mom on trip. I did cooking for you and for the rest of family. I did washing and ironing your clothes and the rest of family. I'm not sleeping all day and do nothing.
I'm not harm people around me and I'm not hurt my self either.
I'm not a free loader.
I'm not unemployment.
I'm not borrowing money.
I'm not make my family name has a bad reputation.
So why you say such a words to me.. I don't get it, dad..
Mom.. hurry up go home..