Feb 19, 2015 20:43
Well, first of all, 13 July 2014 seriously? It was the last time I wrote something in LJ? Geez, it was a really really long time. I wonder if people still here.. But anyway, here I am.. maybe babbling random stuff
I really need to fix my mindset about buying a house. I have been searching, searching, and searching a house for myself in the past 6 months. Result, I still got nothing to fulfill my own style and budget. People around me offered so many options, I'd like them to help me but now it feel like.. enough. Choosing a house it's like choosing a wedding dress, you should connected to them, and buying a house it's not as simple as buying a wedding dress.
I said that to my sis and she said, "No need connection, you just buying what you need, a little over budget is okay since you can afford it". Hm.. excuse me but I'm not rich as you think, sis! Why should I buy a 4FL house with 6 bedrooms and basement garage while I'm still single and who the fuck want a 4FL house? Maybe she want it. I can't afford billions rupiah house.
I only want well not a big house but I want to have enough rooms for my family. My dream house should have 2-3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, a lively living room, a dinner room, a functional kitchen, a laundy & dry area, a store room, a little garden would be nice, a carport, and a little study/work - library room. And the location of the house will be outside Jakarta but still around and near to the train station or at least it can be reach by public transportation.
So I'm still hunting the house..