I actually don't want to talk about this on my journal, but since they were in Facebook and I don't have Facebook anymore so I will make a statement here.
At first I want to purchase MOON SAGA T-SHIRT, and as you can see it's only sell in Japan. That means, if I want to get it I should buy it using online shopping service which is make it more expensive. Yes, I don't have other option because my friend who can help me buying Japan-only stuff is currently back to Jakarta until October 24th and the limit time for pre-order is Oct 15th.
And since the T-shirt is more expensive than it should be, I'm offering anyone from Indonesia to order-together so we can saving the shipping cost. Of course, I'm offering to GDI (GACKT DEARS INDONESIA) on Facebook. I send message to one of the admins and tell her if someone want to buy the T-shirt they can contact me.
Then last night, she told me if she already shared the information. And I check it (using my online shop account) on Facebook. But then I found something that makes me like 'huh?'.
The point of what Sarwo Indah said: Just buy 1 shirt and we can make the replica
I know she was kidding. But, she make a fun of it not in the right place. It's an open group that everyone can read without joined. And she was one of admins on the group. She shouldn't do that because it's provoke others to make a replica of the T-shirt. Making a replica is not appreciated and not respected the artist for their works and efforts.
But then other admins come and said that we shouldn't do that (make a replica) and we should respect the artist. That is a good decision. And this morning, I saw on the group, Sarwo Indah make an apologizing post related to my objection. I'm glad she did that, really. And thank you for it too, I appreciate her action. Someone who can apologize for their mistakes are responsible people.
The last, sorry in Bahasa only.
Ini masukan dari gw ya, open grup itu bisa dilihat semua orang, jadi aktifitas kalian itu terbaca oleh mata orang lain. Contohnya gw, yang kadang cuman iseng baca2, gw tau member di grup senang bercanda. Gw pun senang bercanda, malah sering bikin macro buat lucu2an. Tapi, kadang ada suatu candaan yang tidak bisa dibuat lelucon, dan candaan tersebut tidak seharusnya dipost di suatu open grup karena akan mempengaruhi kualitas dari grup tersebut.
Grup itu suatu komunitas yang mempunyai banyak member dengan watak yang berbeda2, apalagi open grup, semua orang bisa akses, baik yang kalian kenal atau pun yang tidak kenal sekali pun. Bagaimana jika ada orang lain yang tidak begitu mengenal kalian dan berpikir bahwa kalian membicarakan hal yang serius?
Maka dari itu, gw mau kasih masukan aja supaya next time kalo mau bercanda jangan lupa watu dan tempat. Gw sama sekali ga bermaksud untuk menyudutkan salah satu admin ataupun member lainnya. Cuma mau kasih masukan saja. Kalo kata2 gw dianggap terlalu kasar, mohon dimaafkan. Kita sama2 saling introspeksi diri untuk ke depannya.