Dec 22, 2009 23:59
Has it really been that long since i have updated this thing? Apparently since October. We keep pretty busy these days though. Adrianna just finished up her first session of swim lessons. I can confidently say that she does know how to swim now but she needs a little more confidence so we are going to put her into another session. She has also shown some interest in gymnastics. We all go to the YMCA 6 days a week and then we come home and eat dinner and then just relax for a little while so by the time I would update this I am just too damn tired or I have to make lunches and it is time for bed. I have lost some inches here and there so it is paying off. We maintain a very STRICT diet these days but it's we still do eat yummy food. My arms are starting to get buff haha. We will be leaving for Minnesota tomorrow. We're doing it right this time and renting a car, this makes us both feel better. Adrianna as always is very excited to see her Meema and Peepa Sota. I am supposed to stay up later to account for the drive tomorrow but we have also been keeping a stricter sleep schedule so I am finding this kinda hard so I think I may end this and go try to move around~