001. Made you smile? Chris
002. Saw you cry? Chris
003. Went to the movies with you? Chris
004. You talked on the phone? my mom
W O U L D. Y O U. R A T H E R?
001. Pierce your nose or tongue? nose
002. Be serious or be funny? funny
003. Drink whole or skim milk? whole
004. Die in a fire or drown? drown
005. Spend time with your parents or enemies? enemies
D O. Y O U. P R E F E R.
001. Flowers or candy? candy
002. Gray or black? black
003. Color or Black and white photos? color
004. Lust or love? love
005. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
006. M&Ms or Skittles? m&ms
007.Staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y !!
001. Do you like anyone? yes
002. Do you fall for the wrong guy or girl? usually
D O. Y O U. P R E F E R..
001. Sun or moon? moon
002. Snickers or Hershey's Chocolate? hershey's chocolate<3333!
003. Left or right? left
004. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? two best friends
005. Sunny or rainy? rainy
006. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate
A B O U T. Y O U!
001. What time is it? 12:28 p.m.
002. Name? Stefani
003. Nickname(s): Oreo, Halfrican, Panda, Penguin, Skyscraper, Curly, Stefanita (my personal fave), Zebra, Milk Chocolate...there are probably more.
004. What is your birth date? June 7, 1989
005. What do you want right this second? FOOD!
006. Where do you want to live? wherever Chris lives
007. How many kids do you want? a set of twin boys, maybe 1 girl, adopted boy and girl, so 4-ish?
008. You want to get married? yes
I N .T H E. L A S T. M O N T H , H A V E. Y O U ?
001. Had a crush? yes :)
002. Bought something? yes
003. Sang: yes
004. Been hugged: yes
006. Felt stupid: yes
007. Missed someone?: yes
008. Danced crazy: yes
009. Gotten your hair cut? sadly no
010. Cried: yes
011. Lied: yes
012. Stolen anything? no