So I got to school this morning and got my free bagel and went to take the MEAPs. Waste of my fucking life right there. It was so stupid, and this is only the first part! *sigh* But it was cool because I had Randy and Ricky by me. And Ricky sounds funny when he is sick. lol.
Then I went to science, where we have free days the rest of this week? Uh ok. Then math, another waste of life. Then I went out to lunch with Ricky, Randy, Peter, and Rickman. Funny times. And I got to talk about Anderson Cooper to Tori before I left! It was pretty sweet. Then I went to film after lunch, which felt really weird. Then band, where me and Sarah Jobin slept most of the time.
Guard wasn't too bad today on my ankle. But yeah, I'm getting sick of Cassie not going. Its beginning to annoy the shit outta me. I mean we have a competition this Sunday. And States is in a week and a half. Double u tee eff. Then me and Sarah had a fun little conversation in the tuba room. I love that girl! Considering we really only got to talk for more than 5 minutes at band camp, and today. That is just not right! We'll hopefully change that soon, when I'm ungrounded and have money ^_^
Then I went to therapy and my therapist, Kari, kinda pissed me off today. Just a little. So I'm still a little upset about that.
I'm starving, I think we're have chicken and rice! Ooo la la.
And Chris is coming to pick up a DVD later. I get to see him! *is all excited* I miss him so much, and its only been a day. Love love love love love. ♥
Oh and P.S. (lol)
Rick A Solis:
link of picture of Anderson CooperRick A Solis: you find THIS MAN A HOTTIE?
Rick A Solis: he is like ...OLD
Oh Ricky, you're so cute. lol.