...7 days until New Found Glory, Something Corporate, and Further Seems Forever...
this means i have to work my ass off so i`m still able to go.
and if i`m even luckier.. i can pull off an entire week off of school after the concert.
__next week i have Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and the next Monday off.
all i have to do is skip off school the day after NFG [which is a wednesday], and im set for a 7 day weekend. WHEE.!
__theres this movie called " shriek if you know what i did last Friday the 13th"
its another parody of horror movies revolving around [what else] "i know what you did last summer"
__but the best thing is..it`s FUNNIER than "scary movie". ...MUCH...MUCH funnier. i almost died laughing last night. thats all =x
i should scan my latest Jack and Meg drawings after school today. i think you might like them.
edit #2
i think i`m going to make [another] new journal name, and probably give
idotheastro away. hmm.