Only because
faithfan asked me...
1. What is your favorite holiday movie?
A Christmas Story
2. What is your favorite holiday song (title and artist)?
Honestly, I hate all Christmas music by about the 1st of December, but if pressed, I guess I'll go with Do You Hear What I Hear (is that even the name of it?).
3. What's the best holiday gift you were ever given, and why?
Gods, there's been so many absolutely terrific ones, I don't think I can narrow it down... All the Star Wars toys when I was seven; the time-share horse when I was sixteen; the tickets every year to a Leaf/Red Wings game; the camping gear I recieved after I got into camping in my mid-twenties was really wonderful because my mother went above and beyond the call of duty and got just about everything I needed after careful consultation with
braz_king on what exactly I did need... Yeah, ok, I admit it, I'm spoiled :)
4. Do you have a special someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's?
I'm not sure if he'll be with me or not, but yes.
5. Name of your favorite reindeer?
6. Favorite Holiday food?
I really don't have one. Unless you count the Clementine oranges that are in season during Dec. Those are awesome.
7. Snow day? Cuddle by the fire or hand me a snowball?
Hand me a snowball. I love being outside in the fluffy, white, pristine snow immediately following a snowfall. Cuddling by the fire is for after the snowball fight, toboganning, skating, etc. Hell, I even like shovelling the drive way. Well for not. Ask me again in February and you'll get a decidedly different answer.
8. What was your New Year's resoloution for this year? Did you stick to it?
I never make one.
9. Is there really a Santa Claus?
There will be for as long as my son wants to believe in him.
10. Present, or stocking stuffer?
Funny thing, after answering all these questions, I still didn't get to talk about my absolutely favourite holiday tradition; I LOVE decorating a Christmas tree. But I guess that's not secular enough for this 'holiday' quiz.