Game of Thrones Season 5 - Episode 3

Apr 27, 2015 10:47

Game of Thrones, Season 5- Episode 3

Hmmm. Well, that was interesting. SPOILERS of course.
- We're inside the temple of Black and White, and it seems we're going with Jaqen being the representative there. Ok, he's a familiar face, so this works. Arya's sweeping and not exactly happy about it, but all men must serve dear girl.
- Back at King's Landing, Margaery is going for wedding #3! Third time's the charm Margaery! Oh, and she and Tommen consummate the marriage. Considering he's like... 10 in the book, that obviously didn't happen there. Margaery skillfully handles the poor kid, but her handling of Cersei? Not so skillful. Poking the lioness there Margaery, not a good idea.
- Winterfell is not such a cheery place under the Bolton regime. Unless your idea of decorating involves flayed men. So the Boltons are talking marriage and I put the pieces together and then I FREAK OUT. No really. WTF? How is this happening? So obviously they're forgoing the whole "Jeyne-Poole-being-forced-into-impersonating-Arya" plot, but really, holy shit Littlefinger, this is a rotten thing to spring on Sansa.
- Good to know Brienne and Pod are following though. They bond a little, cause Pod is a sweetie. Huh. I seem to remember book Renly keeping Brienne around precisely 'cause he thought she was a joke. However, her decision to set herself against Stannis is a good one; Brienne needs a focus since we don't have all the Lady Stoneheart stuff to rely on. So following Sansa to Winterfell works.
- Lord Commander Jon Snow refuses Stannis' offer of legitimacy. "You're as stubborn as your father". Oh Stannis you stubborn pot calling the black kettle stubborn. So I have to say, I don't really like Stannis giving Jon all this advice that Jon actually decides himself in the book. It robs Jon of his authority, authority that he actually already had by this point. Then to compound it, we have Davos offering more advice. Of course, we also know that ultimately, Davos is wrong, it is more important that Jon man's the Wall. Cause y'know, White Walkers.
- Arya making friends as she usually does. Arya learns that she isn't no one, she is still too much Arya Stark. She gets rid of all her stuff, but she cannot get rid of Needle of course. And if you're read one of the preview chapters of Winds of Winter, you know it's a good thing she doesn't. Goes back to sweeping and then helping prepare the body of one of those who have given themselves to the Many Faced God.
- Sansa's at Winterfell. SANSA'S AT WINTERFELL!!! This is going to be so bad. I don't see how this is going to be anything but bad. Ramsey's such a fucking psychopath.
- At the Wall , Jon's making some command decisions and winning over the men. Even Alliser Thorne, who Jon makes 1st Ranger (Benjen Stark's old position remember). Janos Slynt tries out some insubordination, but gets abandoned by Thorne in the process when he takes it too far. Oh do it Jon, just do it, you'll feel so much better... Atta boy! (the execution of Slynt in A Dance With Dragons was, to me, that book's first "Fuck Yeah!" moment).
- Guessing this is the High Septon? Yup, good call me. He goes and complains he was manhandled outside of the brothel as that wasn't the manhandling he'd paid for. Mace Tyrell is such a hoot. And we see the wheels turning in Cersei's head, and if they go as they do in the book, this is where she begins to make an absolute mess of everything. And such a glorious mess it will be. Oh and you must be the High Sparrow because you're Jonathan Pryce.
- Qyburn you sick, sick puppy.
- Reek sees Sansa, and doesn't deal well with that. Oh this is going to be SO BAD! Littlefinger, you're such a bastard. And how could you NOT have heard what a monster Ramsey is? But you gotta hand it to Roose Bolton, he's no idiot, he knows Baelish is going to play him, but he's not sure how.
- The Tyrion/Varys roadshow! Tyrion's feeling a little cooped up. These two are hilarious. "One more drunk dwarf". Hey! What's Katana from Arrow doing evangelizing for R'hllor? Weird. Oh and here's Jorah Mormont drinking himself to death in a brothel that features a Mother of Dragons lookalike because he's still so very, very sad Dany sent him away. His grand plan is to take Tyrion to where Tyrion was already going. Albeit, I bet Tyrion's gonna wish he was back in the box with Varys... I must say, even though I'm wondering about if they're eliminating Young Griff or if they're going to introduce him later, this fast forwarding of Tyrion's plotline to get him to Dany faster is a welcome thing.
- Last thought? I'm really fucking worried about Sansa...

game of thrones, television, grrm

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