Dec 03, 2004 22:25
sometimes I random and it spews
and do you know what it smells like when
trees fall in freshly cut grass
anthills topple while termites feast
sometimes I push the button
hell sometimes it's my job
and swish there's your cleanliness
sometimes there a contraption
that could cause a conniption
or perhaps a compliment
and it's all trying to make you free
sometimes you're already costly
but they seem to have one hell of a budget
like a diesel generator
needing a kickstart
running the lights shouldn't take the oil
playing the piano should never stop
the metronome has met the big city
and might as well be in your garden
sometimes I see colours that match
in my eyes
i guess, someone else's too
we smile together and laugh at the contrast
ideas and games and circles and squares
sometimes I love geometry
and i force it upon the others
sometimes they don't understand
and they think it's a joke
well fuck you it's my life and that's how I think
and that's how i love and that's how i feel so
please don't bastardize my language
or i'll have to adopt the orphans
sometimes i want a church organ
because it grinds some tones that are
unique and strong
maybe i just want to hear more grindcore
it's been a while.
Sometimes i hear rhythms and
see lines that cross parallels and
hear dots that touch faces and
feel the warmth of a heart and a hand and a kiss of
one who understands the melody
Sometimes wellness is a faint memory
grasping at the way things used to be
is this progress?...happiness?
questions i asked that may be the cure for my maladies
in due time.. in due time
Sometimes time is too obscure to grasp
too fleeting to realize
too meaningful to capture
too silent to listen
Sometimes a two-dimensional car flips upsde down
and we think nothing of it
but claim it to be just another fact of life
explosions of fire are just another aspect of the view
like rubber hoies and top hats
Sometimes i sleep
most of the time i don't
Someitmes i dance, though it seems not often enough.