Jul 29, 2003 16:46
Today was AWESOME!!!!! I got the coolest jacket on the planet for 2.99 you hear 2.99. I hate ford but it says ford on it its so cool it looks like a memebers only jacket lmao. I got 8 tshirts and a boys scout khaki button down (part of the uniform) and it says boy scouts of america its just awesome ahhh im so juiced :)
R.I.P BURR ......My frog
It was so cute Brian was over taking a shower yesterday and im like you died and hes like whattt and im like you died my frog named burr died hes like are you sure and im like yeah and hes like hold on i will be right out and he hugged me because i cried lol He is like we will get ya another Burr :)
Tomorrow Brennas coming over to spended the night and we are going thrifting again i only have 11 dollars but that goes a long way my friend.