Red Flowers - Short Version

Aug 02, 2012 13:12

Title: Red Flowers - Short Version
Character: Taemin-centric
Warning: Psychological, Slight Angst, Self-Harm, Masturbation
Summery: Taemin gets fascinated by the color red, specially red flowers.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in my story. However, I do own all the fictional happenings in it.

"Taemin-ah. Hurry up in there, we are going to bed." Taemin was startled, forced out of his day dreaming when he heard the voice of Jonghyun through the bathroom door.

"Neh, hyung." he responded.

A few seconds later he heard as Jonghyun's feet were carried away from the hallway to their shared bedroom. Taemin kept listening for a while, making sure that the others had followed Jonghyun's example and went to sleep in their rooms. Once Taemin made sure that he was the only one awake in the dorm, he brought his attention back to the bathtub.

Taemin was laying inside the tub with only his head over the filled bathtub. The water was up to Taemin's neck, the boy wished he could make it go higher but, he knew that wouldn't happen. As the water softly moved back and forward, Taemin closed his eyes and sank under the water. The boy began to caress his own body from top to bottom.

He started off with his face, ghosting his fingers softly over his long hair lowering to his forehead, then, his eye brows and eyes.  As he made his way to his lips, Taemin would had sighed if he was able to breathe under the water. It felt so good, his own touch. Slowly, he kept going down farther and farther, gently touching his neck, making himself ticklish, and his chest. He rested one hand over his heart as the other caressed his sides.

There was the beat of his heart, deep and erratic, anxious, anticipating. He was engrossing himself in the feelings of his heart, because it was a wonderful combination with his hand at the sides of his body. As he removed his hand from his chest, both hands went lower. He started appreciating his own long thin yet, powerful legs. Taemin loved how his own legs felt and how he shuddered by his own touch. There was nothing that could compare to that feeling, except the feeling he had every time he saw and felt the red flowers caress his skin.

Taemin's hands, finally, went up and one landed on his crotch and the other on his inner thigh. The boy's member was completely limp yet, he caress it gently, softly and slowly; those same movements being done to the invisible lines on his inner thigh. His hands were pleasing him beyond imagination but, as the boy began to feel his body burning up, his lungs gave up and were demanding oxygen.

Taemin rose from under the water and inhaled deeply, brushing away his long bangs. When he had calmed down from the feeling of asphyxiation, Taemin used his toes to unplug the tub. The water slowly was decreasing, showing a tiny whirlpool sucking it all until it left the tub dry. Then, he got up and turned on the shower, he took the soap and washed his body, again. Taemin caressed, once more, his body noting how slippery it was because of the soap. He kept roaming his hands all over himself, covering every inch with bubbles.

When Taemin's body was successfully covered with soap, he went under the pouring water, shivering at the cold kisses the drops of water gave to him. He was taking off the soap from his legs when he felt, again, the thin fine lines on his inner thighs. The boy kept his hands there and traced the little scars. He could feel his member twitching, coming to life as it began to harden. Taemin couldn't resist the temptation and he took the razor blade that was sitting on a corner of the bathtub, he took out one of the blades from where it rested. His hands guided the blade to his right inner thigh and he pressured the blade, slicing his skin open. Then, he went to his other thigh and did the same as he watched the beautiful red flowers run freely, down his inner thigh and onto the bathtub's floor. Taemin took his semi-hard member and began to stroke it slowly, with a loosed grip. The boy started panting as his member fully harden and, then, hissed when he pressured the blade back on his pale skin, making more red flowers to fall on the floor.

Taemin kept repeating his actions, cutting and stroking, over and over again until he was gasping for air with sharp breaths. He was so close; he stroked himself faster and  tighten his grip around his erection so he could maximize the pleasure. He had stopped cutting himself, by then, but, he teased his injuries by pushing slightly a finger in the wounds. Taemin kept gasping and hissing until he felt lightheaded, he was in the ninth cloud. The feelings were beginning to be too much for Taemin as he felt his stomach contracting until he exploded in his own hand. White ribbons wrapped themselves on the red flowers on the floor, as they fell.

Taemin slides down onto the floor, exhausted, and he watched as the water dragged away his beautiful red flowers, with white ribbons, down the drain. He closed his eyes and let hot tears run down his flushed cheeks. They were right; he was, truly, a disgraceful and objectionable person.

masturbation, !fic, psychological, slight angst, taemin, self-harm

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