three down...three to go

May 12, 2006 20:16

So, I had my last block of exams week starts the comprehensive shelf exams (excuse me while I puke). Neuro and physiology were pretty ok...actually they were both really fair tests. I was actually a little peeved because I really really overstudied for the neuro exam...the ones that I did miss, or may have missed, were ones that I wouldn't have known with more review of the material. Physiology was surprisingly "ok" considering that the professor that wrote the bulk of the questions for this exam asked some really nasty/picky/freaking hard questions on the last exam. Maybe I went into this one knowing that and studied more...or maybe the endocrine system makes more sense to me than the liver...who knows. Biochemistry on the other hand was freaking ridiculous. Seriously...I've been smoking those exams, and I'm pretty sure that I flunked this one. Some of those questions were soo ambiguous...I think I'm most upset with the fact that I STUDIED for that exam...A LOT. I spent HOURS and HOURS preparing for this exam, and the truth of the matter is that I could have probably studied about 15-20 hrs less for this exam and still would have been able to answer the same amount of questions. I learned all these crazy antibiotics, cancer treatments, diseases, PATHWAYS (which I DESPISE), etc. Were there any questions on antibiotics...nooooo. Cancer treatments? Yeah, like 1 out of 10. Anyway, enough ranting. I'm still very aggravated, but I need to press on bc I still have three finals to take. I'm off to start rehashing Biochem which is probably going to be the test I need to do the best on. Grr. You know your life sucks when you just got out of three crazy hard tests (which you studied at least 10 hrs a day for for the last two weeks), and you are about to start studying again...nice.

Well, on to the next round...
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