Apr 02, 2010 12:11
God's blessings to you this Good Friday, friends. Even if you are not having a good day- there is not one who can say today, that the blessings of God are not upon their life. Not if they know Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. Because today, in 35 AD, Jesus Christ stood a mockery of a trial for "crimes" even the governor knew He didn't commit. Yet by some means of insanity and, yes, divine appointment, found Himself walking the road to Golgatha at Calvary with the beams of a cruicifixion cross across His shoulders... Not only that, but He had been whipped with a many-tailed whip... scorged by the hooks that had been attached to it... Beaten... stripped of His clothes.. a ring of rose thorns had been put on Him... not just sat atop His head like a decoration, but had been SHOVED down over His head, allowing the mature thorns to tear His flesh, pierce His scalp and forhead...
Jewish and Christian friends alike, this event occured with Passover, and that was no coincidence.
Passover was appointed by God to Moses and the Israelites of the Exodus because in the final plague, the death of the firstborn of all Egypt, God had commanded that a one-year-old clean, male animal without blemish be sacrificed, eaten and its blood put over the doorway of the house of every Israelite family. This protected them, sparing both their children and livestock from the mass death that was coming to Egypt. They "applied the blood" of the sacrificed, pure, clean animal. This was a foreshadowing to the death that Christ would suffer on the cross for our sin, His blood making atonement once and for all for all who would believe in Him and follow after Him, by "taking up their cross" and "believing in their hearts and confessing with their mouths that Jesus Chris is Lord", first for the Jew, then the Gentile.
In like manner today, we have authority to "apply the Blood" in Jesus' name, as followers of Him, modern-day disciples, knowing and believing that "where the Blood is applied, no harm may come" ... So take a moment today, friends, and thank Him for dying for you, for shedding His blood, and for providing such a means of protection and provision to us. If you haven't already, take a moment to ask Him into your heart and be His follower.
What is it that you need to apply the Blood to today? What need of provision or protection are you aware of today? Comment below and we will pray for you, expecting back a good report.