OK, so I admit. I haven't been a highly-faithful VOX blogger. But just to let you know that I'm still alive online. As mentioned before several times in the past that I'll be frequently blogging in
ADRIATASTIC! Why? Well, it's because it's my home. It's my personal baby. I was born to create and develop. Know what I mean?
I'm personally glad that this year will finally be over. I mean, 2009 is just HORRIBLE... HORRIBLE YEAR... for me. First half of the year being unemployed is not the way to go for me. I mean I've been laid off from my past jobs before--- twice before my recent layout in 2009--- but the length of unemployment that I had was about a month or two months. I did not expect this year's unemployment to be half a year. Half a year, jeez! Even until now I still yearn for a full-time job so I can become stable financially again. I'm barely surviving, with little money being paid because I'm only working part-time.
So please, please please. Do come and visit ADRIATASTIC! if you really want to know all the crazy stuff I've been writing about. I can't continue copying/pasting anymore. The only reason why I have a VOX (and an
LJ) so that I can comment on other people's blogs hosted in VOX and in LJ. I just wish people would take the time to visit my blog or even feed my RSS on their blogs. Maybe I'm asking too much.
My Christmas-related posts are here:
Also, my fandom-related posts are here:
My latest fanlisting project:
- Samurai High School (yes, that funny fall J-drama that has Haruma Miura and Yu Shirota in them. what can i say? the drama rules!)
Upcoming major revamps:
- Akaliane (I'll just have it as a "hosting" domain)
- ADRIATASTIC! (new layout for 2010)
- AMNOSnet (converting it to a general J-pop/idol site portal since I can't keep up with ARASHI anymore and I got no help maintaining it)
- Bluedette (new layout for this portfolio. I haven't been updating this portfolio for over 2 years now)
- Cambribus Magister (anime-related sites portal?)
Well, that's all from me. Signing off right now. I got a funeral to attend tomorrow.
Originally posted on