I got really bored today

Aug 23, 2009 23:06

and made dolly stuffs that I'm going to try to sell, but I wanted to show it off here too lol

for those Dimebag Darrell (Pantera) fans :D-$3

Clear and blue necklaces, blue bracelet- $2 each

Locket- $3

^awesome shirt-$6

Shell and bead necklace-$3

and a rosary too! :D necklaces -$2 and rosary- $4

I have more charms too, so I plan to make more:

HK, blue star, orange star, iron cross, fancy cross, skull, skull with crossbones, dragon fly, razor- $3 each

heart, small heart, guitar, simple heart x2, curlicue circle, gold drop, jingle bell, blue hearts x2, purple and white swirl drops, bronze drops Small heart - $1, all others $2 for smaller charms, $3 for larger

heart and rhinestone drop, heart and rhinestone double drop, amethyst beads (small, smaller, smallest) blue drop, jade drops, more blue drops in small, smaller, smallest.

more pics of bronze drops, double heart whinestone drop, and more.

SOLD and a fat mystery box that includes : SOLD
1 fruitsy bright colored wig, 1 bright colored partial hair extension set, 1 doll pillow seat, 1 asian treat for you, 1 anime doll costume, 2 fancy My Scene pieces, 4 cute barbie pieces, 2 adorable knit hats, 2 partial stocks including one from a htf rare doll, 1 pullip sized fancy tiara, 1 full pullip stock with accessory, 1 partial dal stock, 1 random outfit that fits dal I think (I dont have dal but it looks like it would fit well) and shoes, 3 pieces of rement, 3 anime accessories, 4 barbie accessories, 2 purses, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of eyechips ( 1 coolcat, 1 animal, and 1 hand-designed coolcat, 1 pullip pin, and 2 sets of feather wings. The full stock alone is worth more than I am selling the box for so the resale value on the box would guarantee a profit. I just live too far from the post to be running there more than I have too, so I think it is better to sell it all in one. I have gotten many clothes and mystery bpxes myself lately and It is way more clothes than my fave girls would wear (they only keep 1-2 outfits each MAX).- $30 Edit: will also throw in 2 Pullip cards including one rare limited girl's card and wigmaker's wefts and probably a bit more too as I keep coming across more stuff!

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