First Day of Fall Term at BYU

Aug 29, 2011 09:48

I'm going to have to update this again some more later, but for now I am kind of hanging out at the library and blowing time until my class at 10:00 and my mentor meeting at noon.

My first day of Japanese during summer term was a lot different, but summer term went by so fast that I hardly remember what happened.

Today though, it's all fresh.  :P  I got to class a little early, but mostly because I rushed out the door after scarfing down my breakfast.  I didn't want to be late for my first day of Japanese 201, and I was glad that I wasn't.  In class we did introductions, and I realized once more exactly how outspoken I am next to everyone else.  I tried not to answer every question as I am normally prone to doing, but this generally resulted in nobody answering the question, and the teacher answering it instead.

I have to wonder why people are so freaking shy here, or something.  Even if they are afraid of making mistakes, they have to remember that if they never try and make mistakes they will never learn.  Or maybe I'm just a crazy Freshman with nothing better to do.  Or maybe it's because I love Japanese so much... :P  I'm going to head out now and get to my Russian class that I'm most likely going to be dropping once I sign up for my Mandarin class... Woo! \o/
Wow.  Okay, so I went to my Russian class this morning, and I love the teacher... So I'm probably not going to drop that class.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up having 18 credits and nearly killing myself, or something.  Thankfully I have no homework tonight, but tomorrow will be fun.  I don't have any money for books, so I might end up with a short-term loan so I can pay for rent this month.

It's kind of funny, because it turns out that my English teacher just assigned me to write in a journal every day.  So most likely this journal is going to become a log of my antics and general time here at BYU.  I doubt many people will ever read this, but I am going to post it online all the same, because it's easier that way for me.

When I get home, I'm going to eat!  >.<  I didn't bring lunch today, and I'm so hungry it's not funny.  Outside my English class a girl gave me a poptart, and I about died of joy because I was so hungry.  I'm kind of mad at myself because my Mandarin class is going to be at 4PM, therefore I can't get home until really late and I will probably be hating myself by the time that I get home.

I had fun trying to find the building that my English class was in.  I am mostly familiar with the buildings on campus, with a few minor exceptions, but my class for English was in the Clyde Building, also known as the CB.  I had looked for it on a map, so I knew the general location of it, but I didn't realize it was the engineering building.  Another thing that made finding that class hard was the fact the the ground floor of the Clyde building is apprently the second floor, so I only had to go up one floor instead of two to find my classroom.  Confusing! @.@

first day, class, japanese, byu, mandarin, russian

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