Title: Blood and Irises
Characters/Pairings: George Weasley and Eve Blackmore (with possible appearances by other HP characters)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 509
Warnings: violence, torture, angst and partial nudity
Disclaimer: George Weasley and any other HP characters are the property of JK Rowling. I don’t own them. I only wish to play with them, for a little while (okay, so I’d like to play with Fred and George a lot, but can you blame me?). Eve Blackmore, her family, etc are the product of my brain. Some may remember her from
Haunted Chambers. In fact, I’ve kept much of her background from HC, with only minor tweaks here and there (though she would probably argue the term “minor”, in some instances, but she’ll go along with them, like the good little warrior she is…)
Summary: In the five years after the war… One struggles to find his place in a world that’s no longer funny. The other struggles with her own actions, during the battles. Two who were once close must find their way back to each other…
“You can’t just leave,” Ron protested, while George rushed about his room, tossing clothes and supplies into a rather large pack.
“I need to do this,” George, replied, barely looking up.
“What’s all this?” Hermione asked, drifting into the doorway.
“George is packing himself off to the other side of the world,” Ron explained, “for a girl, no less.”
“I’m not running after a girl,” George countered, stopping to think what else he was going to need. “I’m going to look for Eve.”
“See what I mean?” Ron exclaimed. “Why can’t you just send her an owl?”
“This from the man who still can’t write, except under duress,” Hermione laughed. “I think it’s romantic. You know where she is then, George?”
“I need to do this, in person, Ron,” George explained. “I’m pretty sure she’s in Japan… I’m just not sure where. But I’m going to find her, if I have to search the entire country.”
“There are over three thousand islands, in Japan?” Hermione informed George, failing in her attempts to not gape.
“Exactly,” George replied, rolling up a map of the island country and shoving it in his pack.
“You’re bloody mental!” Ron exploded, stalking away from George’s room.
“Don’t mind him,” Hermione sighed. “So… will you be home for the wedding?”
The question made George pause to think, for a moment. It was barely April. Ron and Hermione weren’t going to be married until December. Did George really think he’d be able to search every corner of Japan, in eight months? The reality, George realized, was that he didn’t know… And, at this point, he didn’t care if it took eight months or eighty years.
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I’m sorry, Hermione, but…”
“But this is something you have to do,” Hermione finished, giving George a gentle hug. “I understand. Ron… he may understand, in time. But, if you do find her, before December…”
“Thanks, Hermione,” George smiled, hugging her back.
George finished his packing, in relative quiet… Or he tried to, anyway. Various family members would come by his room and try to either talk him out of leaving or offer encouragement… Or both.
The next evening, he stood on the front porch of the Burrow, looking up into gray skies.
“Are you sure you have everything?” his mother asked, for the 100th time. “And that you’ll be warm enough? It gets chilly at those higher altitudes.”
“I’m sure, Mum,” he replied, as he shouldered his heavy pack. Molly Weasley had stuffed the few remaining spaces of the pack with food and two extra jumpers. Percy’d given him a hefty amount of money, from the shop till. George had enough to keep him fed and sheltered, for several weeks, at least. After that, he’d have to manage… Or find the Japanese branch of Gringotts.
“Don’t forget to write,” Molly wibbled, as she hugged George tightly.
George nodded and hugged his mother. He said his good-byes, to the rest of his family, then mounted his broom and flew off, to meet the rising sun.