*HOME, finally - --

Jun 28, 2004 05:06

Well guys im finally home, and it feels so good. I didnt think that i could ever miss ole bsg but i sure have. Ookay well maybe it aint the place that i've missed, just some of the people!!

Well me and amy have been down dads for what seemed like an eternity. I mean we did alot of things that were fun, i guess that i just wasnt in the mood to enjoy it enough ya know? I mean we went to the beach and i had a real good time, plus got a pretty good tan if i may say!..and went and ate some really good food and stuff..i just felt like -h0mesick- the hole time, which sucks cause i didnt get to enjoy things to the full extent. But i am really glad and thankful that i got to spend some time with my dad, i didnt truly realize how much i do love and care for him. Mom was talking to me the other day and was like what if somthing happend to your dad and you never got to see him again. That really scares me more than anything, caz in this crazy world you never know what might happen. I guess i need to start takin some things more seriosuly.

Anyways since ive been back ive been with my two favorite people in the hole wide world *Bre & Aime* ahh i missed ole bre prolly more than anyone. We've all just been havin a good time as usual =) I love you girls!!

Today was sort of fun..I woke up and we all got ready and went to church, i thought that Bob had a really good message. Then we stayed and ate because its Bobs birthday on thursday. Then when i got home Boone called me. He said that he wanted me to go to kingsport with em and go to the mall and eat and stuff but i didnt feel like it so he went over there and then came over here =) 0kay ill admitt i missed him when i was gone. Me Boone his bro amy and bre just sat around and watched some of a movie, thas about it. Then later that night me and the girls went and played game cube with Randy. Omg i played Mario!! I hadnt played that game in like seriosuly 10 years, i was in heaven. I actually like to play video games hehe!

Mann tonight me and bre were on our way home and i think i saw a ghost. Wellll maybe not a ghost but just somthing that really freaked me out. It gave me the chills and everything. Of course bre didnt see it so im the only one who did, it was freaky*

Well this was a long update..thats about everything thats went on, well everything that yall need to know about haha, anyone notice that im still not gettin any sleep lol, with it being 5 in the mouring and all*

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