Jun 10, 2004 04:22
Yep past 4 in the m0urning and Im still up*
These past few days have been somwhat better than usual.
Last night m0m brought me the ph0ne and was all excited and was like "Kenny is 0n it!!"..aww im so glad that he called me. We talked for f0rever, ive missed him soo much!..We decided t0 do s0mthing together t0day. We met him at Hibbets, then crusied ar0und some, and then went to watch The Day After Tomorrow. I liked it, th0ught it was a good moviie. He wanted to come back here to talk to m0m for a lil while. We ended up watchin Zoolander haha. Me and him g0t to talking and his mom is havin surgery 0n friday @ Johnson city. He is driving over there tomorro and i think that my mom might let me go too. I hope that she d0es. I thought that ii was g0ing to be the 0nly one to remeber things that me and him did gr0win up, but he remembered m0re than i did =) aww good ole days!..for those of you in the dark on this hole thing, Kenny was my best friend when i lived in C-wood. So0 today has been pretty g0od.
Talked to dad the 0ther day. He said that we need to c0me down there on the 17th. He has the beach Scheduled f0r the 22nd-26th i think?? ahh im excited just to get 0ut of this t0wn for a lil while. Plus i d0 miss em and everything. S0unds like a plan to me =)
0mg the funniest thing just happend. Aime and bre were laying in my floor and bre was asleep beside aime. Aime just woke up breann by hittin her and sayin get up! get up! get up! bre was like omg quit im up..and as she was walkin out the door, i guess she was half asleep, she said " omg what a fuckin bitch" haha just thought that was fuuny.
H0pe yall are havin' a good summer and stayin outta tr0uble, or at least trying to ;)
ily *