Jun 02, 2004 23:10
* We think about it - dream abOut it *
..we lOse sleep wOrrying about it*
When we dOnt have it we search for it..
* When we discOver it, we dont knOw what to do with it *
When we have it we fear lOsin' it.
- --Its Our constant sOurce of pain&pleasure-- -
Its a shOrt word and easy tO spell..
difficult to define and impOssible to live withOut.
* U can look fOrever but you wOn't see it *
You can't see it, but yOu can feel it..
. . .lOve «3
..just s0mthing to think ab0ut. Aint that the truth. Shew my lOve life is a bit c0nfusing at the m0ment. I dont know what i want??..well actually i d0...*sighs*