May 02, 2004 16:31
Figuerd I'd give ya'll a quick run-d0wn of the weekend!
Friday- Went to school. I had never been so glad that it was Friday bef0re, shew that week lasted f0rever...anyways after sch0ol i went to the tannin' bed, then me and Amy went to T0ny's h0use to play X-b0x, halo and need for speed, ask em wh0 the champ was!! then we watched L0ve d0nt c0st a thing. Thats a g0od movie i liked it!..then me and aime came h0me. I was hyper f0r some reas0n and didnt go to bed until like 3 that mourning.
Saturday- I had t0 get up at 7:30 to go to w0rk, ughh that sucked so bad, I only had 4 and a half hours of sleep. I was so dead. Well i g0t h0me @ ab0ut 3:30 and thats when all hell broke lose...Shew al0t of things happend that I would rather n0t talk ab0ut. Lets just say that I d0nt like Kevin anym0re and aint g0in to talk to him anym0re. Yall might think im kiddin, or just being dramtic about it, but im serious. S0me things were said that i will never f0rget. After I pulled myself together, me and aim went to watch people walk into the pr0m. Everyone looked very beautiful =) Hope that they had a g0od time...then we headed up to t0nys house again. This time we made a fire, and just sat ar0und and talked and stuff. Shew i didn't realize h0w much i had missed hanging out with them, since this summer. But we are good now. Came home and talked 0n the phone for a lil while then went to bed.
Today-I've actually been very pr0ductive today f0r what little time that i Have been awake. I g0t up at 0ne, and at 2 i decided to go t0 the gym. When i got h0me i figured I'd clean my ro0m, it was lookin a little bit on the r0ugh side. Yall know i cant stand a mess =) ..n0w im sittin here listenin t0 music about to get s0mthing to eat! i d0n't think i got anything to do, except s0me left 0ver homework.
I think thats about everything thats went 0n! Well m0st of it!..yall leave me s0me this time! *
<3 .adri. <3