Feb 10, 2003 20:29
Hey Guys!
I finally got a layout!Im so excited about it haha!Ivewanted one for so long I worked on it till like 4 in tha mouring last night!Do you guys like this one?Well see Susan M.knows how to do these she did my deadjournal for me.And she gave me a few codes and I fixed this one up myself!Haha..Im still working on my comments link though!
*This weekend has pretty much sucked.I didnt get to go to the game saturday cazI had to go eat with the family at Red Lobster.And get this the food wasn't even that good...The rest of the weekend I dont even remeber what i did!So I was probabaly bored the hole time.But today I did go to the Gym with Kevin haha I was sick of laying around...About the only good thing i have done this weekend is learn how to play rook!Thats an awesome game!..We played till like 3 in tha mouring on saturday night...While I was sitting at home I did have alot of time to think.I realized that I need to spend more time with my family because i dont know how much longer some of them are going to be around.And also I need to start doing more stuff for myself.Its kinda hard to explain But one thing is Guys.They are confusing and Im just not goin to worry about them anymore.Im just going to concentrate oon school and sports for a while.But hey thats good though..My grades have been slipping some here latly.
.::*Heres Some Quoates*::..
*I give, you take..Im real, your fake..I love, You don't..I commit, you wont..I need, you wont give in..I lose, you win-Again*
-Love is Giving someone the power to destroy you..and trusting them not too-
~I have no friends..All I got are enimies..So if you rolling with me..Your family~